I have eventually accepted I have health anxiety. It is very hard however to accept that some of the symptoms are my anxiety. I have had a sore throat for over a year, dr says it's from me tensing my throat due to anxiety. But now I can also feel loads of small lumps under the surface in the lip area and cheeks inside my mouth. I'm worried.
I'm worried: I have eventually accepted I... - Anxiety Support
I'm worried
That is a positive that you have accepted you have Health Anxiety , now you have to work on that changing how you react and when you get the negative thoughts turning them round
Ask the Doctor about the lumps and as soon as they say they are ok let the fear go
Health Anxiety can come in all different ways especially when we focus in on one thing , the symptoms feel real and maybe this is why you have had a sore throat so long but I am sure after a year if anything was really wrong they would have been investigating further x
When did you last see the dentist. They look at your inner cheeks, tongue, roof of mouth, etc, If it's been a while, see your dentist and ask him about these lumps and bumps.
Same I’ve had sore throat for a good few months feel so stressed because of it 😩 hopefully we can overcome this x
It's awful isnt it. Iv had loads of blood tests done. Dr thought I may have an autoimmune disease but nothing showed up. Iv been prescribed Mertazapine but I'm even scared to take them.
I’ve been on that for 3 yrs now helps a little bit not realy with the health anxiety And yes it’s awful I don’t know what’s causing mine the docs don’t know either I’m just scared it’s cancer I always assume the worst which doesn’t help x
That's what I'm scared of too. Iv just had surgery on a 2nd basal cell carcinoma on my face which doesnt help. I'm convinced the drs think I'm just being a nuisance and in the current situation you cant even get to see them without putting up a fight.
I know it’s crazy I just wish it would go away so we can start living again and not be spending my whole days scared that I have cancer it’s so exhausting I get realy bad heartburn so doc thinks it’s from that I had bloods and and ultra sound on the outside of my chin and neck but they couldn’t find nothing so I just don’t know what to do anymore like they need to look down my throat with a camera but I’m to scared to ask incase they find something 😩 I just can’t win
My dr says I have acid reflux a d it's that that is causing the sore throat but I find these things hard to believe a d think the worst. I asked on here because sometimes its reassuring just to know someone else's anxiety is causing it too. How much Mertazapine do you take and when do you take it?
Yh I’m the same I just can’t believe that I wake up every morning with fear just rushing through me because of it just constantly worrying 😞 I find posting on here can make me worse sometimes if ppl say oh you need that checked out or just say scary stuff so I try not to post as much I take 30 mg at night about an hour b4 bed as it makes u sleepy also it makes you eat a lot I started on 15mg the after 3 months went up to 30
Thank you for that. I know what you mean a out replies sometimes, it doesnt help. Just gives you something else to sorry about. I'm here if you need me. No matter how horrible I feel sometimes I will always to try a d help others xx
I think when people say to see your doctor, they say it for several reasons. First, because the doctor will likely find nothing wrong and that will relieve your anxiety. Second, because it is always a good idea to be checked if something is bothering you, on the remote chance that there is a problem.
I had to come to terms that EVERY symptom I felt was anxiety. Trust me ..... it can mimic every kind of dreaded disease imaginable.
If you want to spend your Life inside of a clinic ... seeing doctors ... getting every kind of test possible (many prescriptions and tests detrimental to your health) then you'll want to take responsibility and solve the problem yourself.
It's up to you. It's decision time. Once I took responsibility for my anxiety, I healed it and put it into remission rather easily ..... even though I had one of the worst cases of GAD possible.
Good Luck!
I'm so glad to see your post. I have finally just had an ENT appt because if a sore throat for over a year and constant headache and dozY spells etc and i too was told health anxiety. My symptoms are really severe tho so I struggle to accept its just anxiety.
Totally understand where you are coming from but as far as the many small lumps in the lip area goes, I have just run my tongue round the inside of my mouth and I too have these. As far as I am aware they have always been there. I IS easy.to get carried away when anxiety tries to take over. Believe me I know. I do hope you have settled down somewhat now. 🙂