Physical symptoms : Hi all Really... - Anxiety Support

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Physical symptoms

Hannah1357 profile image
71 Replies

Hi all

Really struggling to come to terms , I had oral sex back in august and was worried about contracting something before and after it happened 3 days later I’m having a coated tongue ulcer and flu symptoms

All tests are negative so they are saying my anxiety and stress can cause these physical symptoms

Someone please help ?

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Hannah1357 profile image
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71 Replies
kenster1 profile image

hi if your tests came back clear try to accept it I spent a decade thinking I was HIV and it ruined my life took 3 tests to convince me I was ok but they refused a 4th not unless I had put myself at risk which I hadn`t.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to kenster1

Did you have symptoms ?

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to Hannah1357

no but my dermatitis was coming out badly at the same time and that was the point I had convinced myself.

Listie profile image

Looks like a mild case of oral thrush, switching to neem toothpaste with some tongue brushing and fluconazole from the pharmacy should sort it. Your partner should take fluconazole too as they will have it and keep passing it to you. I imagine they didn’t test for thrush. As for the fear of STIs, maybe don’t do anything unprotected including oral sex until you both go for STI testing and get the all clear? You’re right to be concerned, sex is very diseasey! And don’t feel you have to do anything you don’t feel sure about! ❤️

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

I got testers for thrush and been on fluconozol nothing happened and the test for thrush was negative , not sure where to go from here

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

Strange, but then fungal infections often don’t show up on tests in my experience. Odd that fluconazole didn’t shift it but maybe you need a longer course and/or topicals too. If you can’t get nystatin over the counter where you are maybe try brushing your teeth and tongue with neem toothpaste and see if that helps? A good, Functional Medicine doctor is what you could do with, if you have the insurance/cash!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

I saw a oral medicine specialist who said it didn’t look like thrush , I don’t understand how this can happen after oral sex could it be bacterial ?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

It doesn’t look like acute oral though but it does look like chronic, low level thrush to me. Yes it could be, which is why neem would be good as it is antifungal and antibacterial. It makes me wonder if you have a weak or triggered immune system you, do you have any chronic illnesses? The fact you feel flu-y makes me think that you might be sensitive to mycotoxins. Have you ever lived in a mouldy room/house or had problems with coffee or peanuts? PS I highly recommend a functional doctor, they’re the only ones who will trace everything back to work out what is going on!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

No my health was fine before all this, I’ve been very stressed and had my tonsils out in January ?

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Hannah1357

What are myotoxins ? And some nuts irritate my mouth Where will I find a functional doctor ?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

Mycotoxins are toxins from fungal strains, moulds etc. I am extremely sensitive to them, I think I probably always was but it will have got worse after I lived in a damp room and my general health declined very noticeably. If you go to the Institute of Functional Medicine website you can look up practitioners near you. You can filter to choose MDs or use other types of practitioner (usually cheaper, probably not as different as you would think). You can also filter to see only practitioners who take insurance if that’s applicable. Good luck! Mine is great, I wish I had known about them decades ago as it probably would have stopped the worst of my health issues before they started. 😬🤞

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

What did they give you to help ?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

Well the thing about functional doctors is they don’t really prescribe drugs, not very often anyway! They’re about unravelling what happened and reversing it though they recommend lots of supplements and she confirmed that I was right about being hypothyroid.

I have my NHS specialists as well but my functional doctor tested things you’ve never heard of, took my history and showed me what substances are making me sicker. Molds/mycotoxins, biogenic amines, grey fillings are my worst culprits. These have since been proven by accidental, unknowing exposure followed by quite severe, acute illness. My history was of chronic poisoning and chemical sensitivity, I can’t say how they deal with any pathogen history/triggers. Often they will find you have a leaky gut but it turns out I had managed to fix mine with my diet beforehand, so I can’t say what they would do about that either. I put myself on a lowish carb paleoish diet, ate tonnes of turmeric and had avoided gluten for years. My dr put me on autoimmune paleo-proper, and then keto too which helps slightly and instructed me how to detox my food, environment etc. I have POTS EDS MCAS so we may be very different. Or we may not be!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

I did get a load of sea water In my mouth the day before aswell but got told that wouldn’t of done anything

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Hannah1357

Could this be caused my trauma also as I’ve been very anxious and felt guilty after

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

I’m sorry to hear that, it’s unfortunately very common. ☹️ It’s possible but I wouldn’t write it off as non-biological until everything biological has been investigated, but it might be just as well to try some kind of talking therapy if you feel psychological stress is contributing. I would get a FM doc and they will ask about trauma too, they take a timeline of trauma, possible infections etc. They’re medical sleuths, it’s very clever! They may well be able to recommend some kind of specific therapy that would be most suited to your needs. x

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

I have no idea pscological illness could cause these symptoms it’s scary really if that is the case

I will try to go to a functional doctor I think I saw one in London ?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

I think it is unlikely to be the sole cause, but persistent stress/PTSD could contribute to chronic physical issues, in some more than others I think. I’m not in London so haven’t looked there, but good luck!

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

If it was clean it wouldn’t have done anything, however if the water quality was poor, it could. Can you look the water quality up?

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

Brighton sea water is clean I’ve been told

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

They vary over time, can’t hurt to check the water quality on that date! The functional dr will no doubt ask you to do this.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

How do I do this ?

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Hannah1357

I saw a homeopath who said I have aActinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

FearIsALiar profile image

If everything came back normal you’re definitely okay and these symptoms are stress as you said they can be

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to FearIsALiar

Have you seen this before ?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to FearIsALiar

This is not necessarily true. Medically unexplained symptoms are rarely completely psychological.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Listie

Well if you read her post you would know things came back normal so it shouldnt be anything to worry about.

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to FearIsALiar

They clearly state that they have flu like symptoms and a tongue coated in white. That’s not back to normal. A functional dr will be able to see if it is entirely stress-based or if there is an issue with pathogens/microbiome imbalance.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Listie

Her tests came back negative though so therefore she didn’t contract anything.

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to FearIsALiar

No, it just means they have medically unexplained symptoms. This is usually because they didn’t test for the right things or in the right way. I’m not saying they have an STD, it looks like a microbiome imbalance to me.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

Can a micro biome be caused by anxiety

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Listie

Have you had it before

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to FearIsALiar

Have I had anxiety before ?

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Hannah1357

Sorry I meant to ask Listie if he or she had a microbiome imbalance.

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to FearIsALiar

This isn’t about me. However, pretty much everyone does, modern diet and lifestyle, toxic exposures all affect it. As I stated earlier, by the time I could afford to go to a Functional Medicine doctor, I had pretty much healed my own gut. I’m tired, I’m ill with a disease partly genetic and partly from toxic exposures. I’ve given great advice and really need to leave this convo.

For myself, I regret ever responding to the alarmed OP that flashed up. For the OP, I hope they get to a great FM doc and get to the bottom of it. Medically unexplained symptoms are usually real not psychological anxiety. It took 38 years for me to get diagnosed and it only happened because I worked it out myself, researched and got myself to the right doctors all over the country, one of which is a FM Dr., and they are the one who is the most likely to get me to a higher functioning state.

Until then it was blamed on anxiety, depression, laziness’ none of which I actually have. I did have neurotransmitters that were off due to thyroid hormones amongst other things. This gives an anxiety feeling with no psychological anxiety behind it. It went with thyroid meds, taurine to help sleep, avoidance of food triggers etc. Ask yourself, why do you have anxiety? What makes you think it isn’t partially or fully biological in origin? Just because you can’t see it? Just because the NHS say it must be because they can’t see anything on their few, dire tests that are set up to detect acute/severe disease? You can only know that it isn’t biological when you have analysed your bodyand life fully and corrected imbalances as with a functional doctor/practitioner.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Listie

How did you heal your gut? I’m interested.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Listie

I saw a homeopath who picked up that I had Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

Sodown profile image

Yes almost definitely anxiety can cause that. Does your mouth feel dry also

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Sodown

Yes very dry

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Hannah1357

This does not mean that it is caused by psychological anxiety. I suffer dry mouth too, it’s 100% biological for me.

Stephen74 profile image

Best thing is don’t listen to anyone here and stop looking stuff up and your fear will go away.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Stephen74

Thank you

Stephen74 profile image
Stephen74 in reply to Hannah1357

Hope you find resolution,fear can engulf us to the point of exhaustion and loss of interest in things that really matter.

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Stephen74

That’s me already I’ve had this for so long

Jamesgolfer1 profile image

Hi Hannah, this looks like classic Candida? It's a fungal infection that can be on the tongue and is white/yellow! Believe it or not it can happen through oral sex and sometimes it's an infection of the gut. It can cause very bad anxiety with terrible physical symptoms, have you heard of this?

Listie profile image
Listie in reply to Jamesgolfer1

This is what I have been saying but people seem to want to shout me down and say the OP must be bringing it on themselves through erroneous psychology. ☹️🤷🏻‍♀️

Jamesgolfer1 profile image
Jamesgolfer1 in reply to Listie

Hi Listie, people don’t research enough! Candida and leaky gut are massive anxiety triggers as 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut which controls anxiety and depression! The best way to find out is to have a test called The Organic Acid Test and it will test moulds, neurotransmitters and everything else and low serotonin and high levels of mould is always the culprit!!! I became ill along time ago through either high sugar levels or oral sex on a boys holiday and have not been the same ever since!!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

What happened to you ?

Jamesgolfer1 profile image
Jamesgolfer1 in reply to Hannah1357

Well I ended up with an anxiety disorder which I still live with! Had it a long time and physical symptoms like loss of balance, panic attacks, vertigo and fatigue with shortness of breath constant! You can do the spit test in a glass of water first thing in the morning where you roll ur tongue around ur mouth as soon as u wake up ( no brushing teeth) and spit in a glass of water and watch for 20 mins! If u don’t have candida ur water will remain normal and if not u will see tentacle like strings of white stuff falling to the bottom of the glass! This is a sign of candida!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Is your tongue covers and full in the morning ?

Jamesgolfer1 profile image
Jamesgolfer1 in reply to Hannah1357

Back of my tongue always white! Have u tried the spit test, worth doing!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Was your thrush test positive

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitansI have this

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Hannah1357

Hannah, so what is the answer to ridding yourself of this problem?

Curious I hope there is a cure all treatment :) xx

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Agora1

I’m trying what the homeopath has given me as no doctor could find it but she did xx not really sure what it is

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Hannah1357

I don't need to know what it is just want you to get better.

My best to you in healing :) xx

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Got tested for thrush and it was negative

Chicago22 profile image

Is it thrush?

Jamesgolfer1 profile image

Never got tested for thrush but tested positive for candida in the gut!!

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

I have Candida in my cut

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Does your tongue look like mine ? Xx

Jamesgolfer1 profile image

Do u take a high strain prolific for it?

Jamesgolfer1 profile image


Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Does that work

Jamesgolfer1 profile image

Not as bad as yours, u should buy a tongue scraper it gets rid of it, there only a couple of pounds! Have u ever tried to treat this with anti fungal etc?

Hannah1357 profile image
Hannah1357 in reply to Jamesgolfer1

Have you got a picture ?

Hannah1357 profile image

7 months in still being told it’s stress and psychological, now have pain in gums aswell and exhaustion

Hannah1357 profile image


Hannah1357 profile image

All stress

Hannah1357 profile image

Due have a coated tongue and what was your sore ?

Hannah1357 profile image

I messaged you , did it swab for thrush

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