HELP! Ever time I drift of I feel like my ... - Anxiety Support

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HELP! Ever time I drift of I feel like my heart has stopped

Leon1991 profile image
30 Replies

Hi everyone, I may have mentioned this in past but lately it’s been getting worse and last night I had it so bad I honestly thought I was going to die from a heart attack and I’m worried I’m going to die. When I’m trying to go sleep (as I have insomnia) when I’m about to drift of I literally jump up gasping and dizzy! it feels like my heart just stops and Im in real bad shock then my heart kicks back in and then races until I’ve calmed down

Last night this happens to me 5 times! I really am scared to try to go sleep know. Today I have had a pain in my left side of chest feels as though it’s my heart. But I did do a lot of hedge cutting yesterday so I’m not sure if it’s muscle but it seems to much of a coincidence that that happens to me really bad last night and know I feeling this pain!? Words can’t describe how I felt last night and I’m shuck up still about it.

When I last spoke to my gp and told him what I’m experiencing he told me it’s your ectopic beat, as I suffer with them and irregular heart beat. He said that’s it’s nothing serious but they aren’t nice! Now surely this is not normal can anyone relate with me on this as if I’m honest scared!

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Leon1991 profile image
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30 Replies
Zhiyah1012 profile image

This happened to me to when my anxiety first started for me

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Zhiyah1012

I’ve had anxiety all my life, I have manic crippling anxiety. It effect my life on so many levels to a point I can’t do certain things or go places!!

Do you still suffer with it? How would you describe it please. Sorry for essay just that it’s stuck in my that my heart is going to give up

Zhiyah1012 profile image
Zhiyah1012 in reply to Leon1991

It’s okay and Everytime I would try to fall asleep it’s like I stopped breathing like you said and my heart stopped I would stay up all night and finally fall asleep @ like 5am and wake up shaking and heart beating super fast it was scary still to this day I’m concerned about my heart it will get better tho

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Zhiyah1012

When you say your concerned about your heart in what way? I have eptopic heart beat and irregular heart beat don’t know if you have any of those.

It’s more than scary! I’ve only started to have it past 4 months on and of but my god last night when I woke up in the morning after finally being asleep I was confused that I was still alive lol. Do you stay up because of this keeps you from sleeping or is it out of fear?

Zhiyah1012 profile image
Zhiyah1012 in reply to Leon1991

Yes every single night I got a ekg done a couple months ago but I wanna go for another one I feel like it’s something wrong

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Zhiyah1012

I had a ecg a few months back and gp said all is normally and it’s was down to my anxiety. Honestly I can’t remember how many I’ve had, heart cardiology Scans mri etc etc. I just can’t accept that what My body is going through is anxiety.

I actually get them throughout the day, just had one while typing this so I know tonight won’t be good. Every known again through the day I get a sudden rush and urge to sit up or stand up as it’s like my heart just shit down! But as my gp said it’s a eptopic beat, it somewhat misses a beat then kick back in giving you that shock!!

Do you take any medication for your heart

Zhiyah1012 profile image
Zhiyah1012 in reply to Leon1991

No I don’t want to take any type of medication and I feel like I have a heart problem now can heart problem start a couple months after now ?

Sadiedog12 profile image
Sadiedog12 in reply to Leon1991

The test they do is for Treponin levels which show whether you have had an “ event” or not. If your levels are normal then you have not had a heart attack. It sounds like to me you are having ectopic beats which are common but not an indication of an imminent heart attack . A beta blocker can be helpful in this situation where anxiety is the cause.

Lauriem4 profile image

Yes get this now and again. It is ectopics and people with anxiety feel them more

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Lauriem4

I’m fed up with ectopic beats know they are getting to much for me to take.

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to Leon1991

I know the feeling. How many do you get?

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Lauriem4

I get them everyday, every hour or couple. Like clock work lately they have been getting a lot worse and to much.

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to Leon1991

Did you have an ecg?

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Lauriem4

Have had loads In the last, I’m currently at hospital as I spoke to my gp and his told me to get checked out to see if I’ve had a heart attack or something, if all is well he will increase my atenanlol that’s I take for my fast heart rate. I’m already on the legal highest dose but with how bad I’m suffering they will have to increase it.

Have you been tested for your ectopic beats

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to Leon1991

Yes they were mostly pacs which come from the atria and they told me theyre totally benign but just feel horrible sometimes

Berniebow profile image

Hi yes I get the same it like my heart is being shocked back into working after it has stopped it is so frightening that I stopped sleeping. The last attack I had a few weeks ago was so bad I couldn’t get my breath and ended up going to a and e. Every thing came back normal the dr. Even checked the enzyme levels in my blood (apparently can show if you have had a heart attack) and all the ecg’s were normal. It was just my anxiety kicking off again and my go has given me a month supply of sleeping tablets to help get my sleep regime back under control. Hope this message helps you, take care.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Berniebow

Hi it seems this is something common! I’m just really concerned as since that night it feels like my heart is aching as I have a dull ache pain in my left side of chest and it’s going down left arm!! I want to go hospital to get it checked out but with all this COVID going on that’s the last place I want to be. I’m waiting on my gp to call me and hopefully give me a emergency ecg but I don’t think a ecg will detect if I had a heart attack!

Berniebow profile image

Hi it’s frightening I’m left with aching pains in heart, chest and arm. As I mentioned one of the blood tests was to check the enzymes and that and all other tests came back ok. Reading everything anxiety based on this and other sites and forums, it’s just our anxiety messing with our heads. I’ve had to start mindfulness and other diversion tactics Again. And now I’m accepting the physical symptoms and just getting up and mentally walking away from them, and, excuse my french telling my anxiety to “fuck off” lol. Take care of yourself you are not the only one having these shit physical symptoms. Xx

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Berniebow

Hi Bernie sounds like I have the same as what your have! I’ve been here many a times but I mentally can’t accept it’s anxiety I have tried every way to mentally divers my mind but I can’t find a way. What tactics have you learned I have done Cbt, therapy the lot but I feel I can’t control my thoughts! Not in a bad way but I feel somewhat relived that people like yourself are experiencing the exact symptoms I have and are okay. I wouldn’t wish anxiety to this level upon anyone.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Leon1991

What do you mean by enzymes

Berniebow profile image

Hi first of all there is a test they can do when they take blood tests, it checks the number of cardiac enzymes which shows if the body has had a heart attack. As for coping tactics, exercise or a walk to sort the adrenaline surges out. Mindfulness and hypnosis free apps, talking to people. And when if your like me and the attacks happen in the stupid hours of the night, reading this forum. I did read a really good site about someone’s experience with anxiety, If like me and sometimes the anxiety gets the better of you, I just get drunk, at least I sleep that way. I’m still trying to accept that it is anxiety and I think once we do and just say to ourselves yes anxiety I know you are there, I’m I know I am feeling safe and ok. But sometimes when the anxiety attacks come out of nowhere it’s hard to use your coping strategies or your tool box as I call it. Take care x


Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Berniebow

That’s exactly it when they do like mine do come from nowhere it’s just a big shock!! I do a lot of physical with my work I just can’t seem to tire myself out as the anxiety just keeps me constantly on edge. I will try that app out I don’t drink as it gives me headaches and feel like shit! Although it will get you to sleep I was told it’s false sleep and alcohol is a depressent so I tend to stay away from it. Have got back from hospital not so long ago had ecg, bloods, X-ray and all was ok and normal. Just scares the shit out of me when i shoot up out of bed soon as I’m falling asleep gasping for air and very dizzy.

Startmyhealing profile image

I have explained this SAME EXACT SYMPTOM to my doctors for yeeeeaaarrrss. I have had this symptom on and off for over 20 years. At times when dozing off it feels like I’m falling and that strong feeling in my stomach wakes me up. I too feel like my heart has stopped. I can’t tell you how many times I have worn a holter monitor and had many other tests done for this. Please believe me when I tell you that this is a symptom of “anxiety”. Someone else had reached out to me and told me the same thing but i was so convinced that I had an underlying heart issue that NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE could detect. The thing is this, your nervous system is currently on overdrive because of your anxiety which also affects your subconscious. You may not be thinking of anything in particular but in the back of your subconscious your thinking of your “undetected” heart issue. This affects your mind in ways you wouldn’t believe. You know how they say the mind can play tricks on you? Well that’s EXACTLY what the body is doing. If you happen to get an ectopic beat (completely harmless) or an adrenaline rush (where you’re brain releases a more than usual amount of adrenaline into the bloodstream) the body will feel it 50-100% more since it’s on overdrive. While you fall asleep your subconscious takes over. This is what drives or steers your dreams. Since your subconscious is now taking over while you drift off it’s reminding you of the BIG FAT LIE you have told it, that you have a heart issue. Which you DO NOT MY FRIEND! You have been checked out many times and so have I. Please accept what these doctors have confirmed. Mine have eased up tremendously. Let me tell

You how. First, i encourage your to read about Dr. Carolyn Dean, a doctor and magnesium expert. Get on a good magnesium supplement. I’m currently on one by BiOptimizers. It’s called magnesium breakthrough. (You can get 10% off with this coupon code: jeannettix10) I’ve tried all kinds of magnesium and this one has had the most effective result with a calmness in my heart. I absolutely love it . I also use a topical magnesium which is also very effective. I apply several sprays over my heart. I don’t do it as much since i feel My body has replenished itself. I’ve been through the same thing and I’ve felt so alone. I understand how you feel. You’ll go through many lengths to find the issue and fix it. I’ve gone through those lengths, please consider the magnesium and listen to motivational speakers. It helps to change how we think. These are exaggerated symptoms due to our subconscious mind. Mine started at the age of 16 after a traumatic event i experienced. I’m not 43. It’s been an long going battle but in the end we can win if we start changing the way we think.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Startmyhealing

Thank you for that, that’s exactly what I’ve been saying and doing to myself that I have a heart issue no one can detect! Its very reassuring to read you words. If only a doctor can put it that way to you. Lost count how many tests I have had I’m on more medication that will knock out a elephant and still manic. My doctor said out of all his 45 years career I’m the worst case his seen with anxiety. I don’t have people to talk to sadly have no friends I’ve had a rough life since I was in nappy’s traumatic things I’ve been through and seen. It’s makes some stronger and more relentless but seems to have had the opposite effect on me. I will mention magnesium to my gp when he calls me tomorrow see if I can get it on a script. Never herd about it before is that something that’s good for the heart then.

Startmyhealing profile image
Startmyhealing in reply to Leon1991

Just a word of caution. Several doctors have told me that magnesium wouldn’t help but after reading on Doctor Carolyn Dean and how magnesium can even REVERSE heart disease i was amazed. Please do your OWN research as well. Doctors are trained to do what THEY’VE BEEN TAUGHT. Which they should but they don’t understand ALL things. Please, read into the miracles of magnesium.

Berniebow profile image
Berniebow in reply to Startmyhealing

Thank you so much for sharing your own experience it really does help ss

lizzyxx profile image

This happens to me at least every other night. I’ll just be drifting off to sleep and suddenly I’ll sit bolt upright gasping for breath like I’ve stopped breathing, then my heart starts racing and I feel dizzy. I also suffer with ectopic beats so maybe that’s why? Never connected the two x

Mariyah2017 profile image

This has never happened 2 me so, I hope u are ok.

pamb67 profile image

Sounds like anxiety where your heart starts racing and caffeine makes it worse.why don’t you try meditation before you go bed

pamb67 profile image

I get this too I think it’s anxiety try meditation before bedtime

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