I have a pulse Ox and check my heart rate and it’s 121 and it’s going down but I don’t understand why it’s that high and it’s making me anxious I cannot take this anymore I had a ekg before months ago everything was fine and my doctor said everything’s sound fine when he listened but I’m just scared I have something wrong with my heart I can’t take this anymore I’m trying to except use I calm down sometimes but I just can’t do this I’m getting frequent headaches again it has to be something wrong with me
I’m so scared my heart will stop one day - Anxiety Support
I’m so scared my heart will stop one day

Hi Zhiyah, I can tell you what's wrong (because I use to do the same).
The more you check your vital signs, the more anxious you get. The more
anxious you get, the higher the numbers can go. It's a vicious cycle that
goes no where.
Let go in monitoring your heart. It knows what to do and wants to keep us
alive and that's why it keeps on ticking. That's it's job to breathe for Zhiyah
and keep her heart beating. Hugs xx
This is the exact situation I’m in as well. Before quarantine I felt fine, but now I’m constantly worrying about my heart. I feel the exact same way as you. I have also gotten an EKG and the doctors said I was completely fine and that it is most likely anxiety. School has made it a little better since It takes my mind off of things but I still worry about it everyday. It’s made me very frustrated. I just want to feel normal again. Something I have noticed however is that whenever I don’t think about it, my heart feels fine. But as soon as I start thinking about it, it starts to act up.
Hi Zhiyah, I'm so sorry that you're feeling terrible but I've suffered from the same thing in my 20's. Now I'm 52 and doing excellent. The problem for me was that I would feel like my heart skipped or fluttered in my chest or neck. I would freak out thinking I had heart problems! I went for ekg, holster heart monitor everything! They found me healthy.
It was a big cycle of anxiety and heart rate..of course this would happen.
I changed my stressful life. I was drinking wine every evening then and it made my anxiety worse the next day! Stop drinking, it will cause all kinds of physical and mental issues that you don't need. I went on 200mg Zoloft and 100mg Wellbutrin daily. Gradually increasing my dose over a few months.
And .5 mg of clonozapine three times daily.
Importantly, I began guided meditation. Meditation will help greatly!
I felt exactly like you! But I began to feel better when I stopped drinking and quit my stressful job and started walking and meditating...l don't worry about too many things anymore. Your mind is sneaky and will try to convince you of anything. I found that meditation helped control my roaming thoughts that made me anxious. Thoughts hold power over your body. Meditation will help this.
I hope this helps, you are not alone! You can get better!
All the best, Deb
Hi thank you so much I been walking too now and trying to eat clean and try to remove stressful situations from my life as well thanks so much for the tips !!