Don’t stress about the could haves
If it should have
It would have
Don’t stress about the could haves
If it should have
It would have
That's the hard truth. It took we a while to accept that. And I gained a different perspective about life.
That’s awesome Yeah at times it’s hard to think this way but if you believe it feels easier than wishing for something that is just not meant to be... not that I lay back and wait doing nothing... We work hard to survive and create goodness in lives but acceptance has its time.
So true
Take Care x
Hello 😊
(((((((Gigantic hug))))))))
A double gigantic hug back at you
((((((((((((((((((hug ))))))))))))))))))
😆 thanks!!!
U r sweet How are ya?
Still the same , still panicking if it happens again , shovelling Fibre down me till I am messing my system up so not great at all
Thank you for asking me though x
I’m sorry 😐 I feel for you and I’m praying you’ll get a break. You deserve all good things.
Thank you so much
You deserve one to x
We try so hard. It’s just not fair. Trying to keep up with outlets to release the frustration.
I agree x