Tonight I woke up around 2am absolutely gasping for air. It woke me up but I remained slightly half asleep. As soon as I drifted back to sleep it happened again. I woke up and got up as I felt like I was dying. Almost called the ambulance to take me to the ER. I checked my oxygen levels and they were great but my heart rate was 172. Has this happened to anyone before? I am freaking out and can’t sleep.
Help ! : Tonight I woke up around 2am... - Anxiety Support
Help !
No it has not happened to me. Are you taking any medications for anything? Sometimes it's best to read the patient leaflet(s) it may well be a side effect but I am not a doctor so I don't know all the in's and out's.
First, try to relax. Second, it sounds like a type of anxiety or panic attack., possibly caused by something you were dreaming. The high heart rate is a sign of it along with the gasping for air. And it's not that abnormal, try not to let it scare you too much. If it happens again, try my rule of 5's method: Breathe in slowly through your nose for 5 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds, then let it out through your mouth slowly for 5 seconds. Repeat a few times. This should help calm the heart rate. If it becomes a problem, it might help to seek counseling to help discover the root of the anxiety. Prayers for peace and sweeter dreams.
That does need to be looked into. xx
For about three months , I woke up at 3:30 am every night with wild heart palpitations . I had to take Valium in order to get back to sleep every time . I don’t know why it happened at the same time every night I am more depressed and sad and lonely than ever in my life . I guess that could be the reason
I have always had some palpitations here and there fir my entire life , but this is a whole new and much much worse condition. After I had Covid 2 months ago , the palpitations just became constant
This sucks
I’m sorry you have to go through that. I started on Effexor and so far (fingers crossed it stays this way) I haven’t woken up in the middle of the night with this. It’s scary! I have some palipitations here and there as well but nothing quite like that. Had all the tests done and everything looked ok. My doctor said it was likely panic attacks during the night.