I’ve had unprotected sex many times over the last two months I got my period last month but I’m having all types of pregnancy symptoms my period wasn’t like it usually be so I’m confused could I be pregnant
Anxiety and pregnancy : I’ve had unprotected... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety and pregnancy

If you’ve had your period it’s unlikely but you could always do a test to be sure?
Who knows? Do a test to find out. Then ask yourself whether you want to be a (single?) mother at 16/17? Do you think you are in a position to give a baby a good life? If not use some protection please. At least finish your education first so you can support it.
1) Get a test. Ease your anxiety.
2) With your anxiety, taking risks like this (or even without anxiety for that matter) is so very irresponsible. Use condoms always or talk with you mother about being sexually active, she might suggest getting you birth control. You stated they dont understand, they definitely wont understand a pregnancy at 16.

Thank you I am getting birth control . Ik I’m young but it calms me and help me take my mind off things I also mentioned this to the therapist and she said that’s true
You're therapist encourages under age sex? 😳😳😳

Not encourage it she just said she believes that it makes me calm because she said I have the emotion love instead of fear it makes my heart beat different etc it was a lot
I am a mother to 2 daughters. I would never ever let my 16 year old be discussing this with out my supervision.
Secondly your brain isnt fully developed and you are unequipped to process such words of this therapist is giving you. Basically gave you the okay to do something not only your mental illness needs massaging so that you do healthy things for it, but your under age.

I understand my mom doesn’t know whatever we discuss stays between us
I gathered that way up thread...
I cant make you discuss with your mom, but I'd have that therapists license for encouraging my underage daughter to seek out and have sex... mental illness is serious and complex. Your therapist is just as much to blame for your snxiety over thinking your pregnsnt than you are for doing it. This isnt therapy this is morally and unetheticslly wrong.
But this isn't the only way you cope with anxiety, right? Cause that may become kinda unhealthy.
(Also, did she encourage u to stay safe with sex at leasttt?)
Not tryna be annoying btwww, i just wanna make sure ur doing okay
Aren't you also underage for sex?
You might get in trouble then and so could your partners. You also run run the risk of getting sexual diseases, and even aids, so you need to protect yourself and wear a condom.
But I’m a teen it’s apart of life .. what am I suppose to never have sex ?
Wait until you are legal is the best advice. If you can't then at least wear a condom. If you aren't mature enough to be sensible then you certainly aren't ready for sex!
Hi! I had underage sex, too. I felt the need to be validated by a man.
My advice : you are 16 so it is very possible you two won't stay together. That's harsh, but it's a part of life. If he can't respect that you two shouldn't be having sex, then he isn't right for you in the first place honestly. And I can say this from experience btw. I'm 21, it wasn't long ago that I was 'in love' with a guy for years that I had pregnancy scares with.
You should make sure you at least use protection. It saves you from getting an STD if he was to cheat, it saves you from having to be an underage mom by yourself, and it saves you from regretting having a child and making a rash decision like abortion.
But I'm sorry you're going through this, please stay smart and safe. I'm sorry if I sounded rude. I'm honestly just concerned for you. I'm always here if you need a friend.
Thank you so much and now you’re fine I understand my mom tells me the same thing of course I deny we might not be together forever lol but then deep down I know it could happen thank you tho