Need some advice I worry that something is wrong with my heart. I would like to have an echo to see how my heart functions but I feel it’s got to be bad to have one. What does an echo check mainly any advice would be appreciated
Advice : Need some advice I worry that... - Anxiety Support
Im the same but ive had an echo .An echo checks the heart is normal and that there are not defects within the heart and how well it is pumping and also that things are within normal size etc. Its not bad to have one .
An echo is where they look at your heart from the outside. It takes about 15 mins. You lye in a darkened room the clinician moves a instrument over your heart area and picks up signals on the screen of the condition o f your heart. Painless informative and accurate. So if the result comes back normal you need to have no concern about your symptoms. Somtimes if your heart is making to many ectopic beats or racing constantly they will do an ablation. But this is generally if you have 1000's of extra or missed beats. As in the whole these strange beats are harmless although unsettling and anxiety provoking. Our reaction to them is the problem and not the beats themselves
It's hard to see them as innocent but when you relax they should reduce in intensity. Also a small dose of betablocker helps calm a anxious heart down x Hooe this helps. I have experienced all sorts of drama with my heart since I was 11 and am now 56. Lots of tests and told your heart is fine x