So my right lymph node keeps swelling, I have no idea why. The only physical pain I’ve been having is in my ears. But it’s not a ear infection, mostly sinuses. And I was dump enough to look it up on google and now I’m freaking out because I think it’s cancerous because it said something about painful lymph nodes and it swelling for no reason, someone please shed some light onto the situation?? I’m only 19, I had blood work done a month or two ago- everything was normal. Had x-rays of my chest and what not.
Swollen Lymph Nodes???: So my right lymph... - Anxiety Support
Swollen Lymph Nodes???

Perhaps a tooth problem? That can cause pain in the ear and swollen lymph nodes on one side. Obviously I'm not a dr and this is only a suggestion. Have you had your wisdom teeth out?
No I haven’t. I did have a cavity but it’s on the other side of my mouth where the node is swollen, so I’m not sure. But my node is still swollen although i have a fever blister now and that always makes my lymph nodes swell. So I don’t know if it was like swelling because it was about to come out or what
I think you've answered your own question perhaps. The fever blister is probably the answer. But for me earache and 1 lymph node points to teeth. Best check it out when restricted movement eases. See your GP when you can and also a dentist to rule tooth problems out and set your mind at rest. You sound a little anxious and thinking the worst. I am no Dr but you are young and the explanation may be quite simple.
Take care.
This is most likely something anxiety related. If you can convince yourself of that and stop worrying, the symptoms will probably go away soon after. I often don’t realized I’m even that stressed when they pop up. This is a time of great stress and many symptoms are occurring for me every day. I have health anxiety and get symptoms all the time from anxiety. Before we went into quarantine, I had the same thing - but I had some pain in my gum, ear pain and fullness and sore throat as well These symptoms fluctuated for weeks and have come and gone during the quarantine. I went to 2 dentists to check it out and they saw nothing. It is basically gone now but on the more anxious days - it comes back. I would guess I am grinding my teeth or breathing differently due to anxiety which is causing it. The hormones produced while stressed can do amazing things. I have 15 years of symptoms where I swore it had to be something serious and none have turned out to be much more than anxiety. You are young and healthy - the Odds are definitely in your favor.