Written a post about this before, but I’m just wondering if anyone takes medication for their health anxiety and what is it? Thank you!
Health Anxiety: Written a post about this... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety
Hi sweet I didn’t know there was medication for health anxiety but I assume it would just be relaxants they give you for generalised anxiety x
Benzodiazepines Like diazepam , Xanax , Valium . They all work on relaxing the mind and body
Prozac and klonopin
Prozac works great for Obsession and a minimal anxiety.But if your anxiety is too much, benzos are life saver.However both prozac and Klonopin have their side effects and tolerances, once you are on its hard to wean off.
hi lucy_mmx.. I was suffering from mild health anxiety. The doc prescribed me Escitalopram 10mg.. It is working fine for me.. As far as my knowledge goes Benzos are addictive...
I took Sertraline 50mg and Lorazepam when needed for mine. The medicine allowed me to fuction while I had CBT to treat the HA.
As funny as it may seem or sound ..childrens liquid tylonol. Works wonders ..I'm on it for health anxiety