How can anxiety make you so ill ? How can you be woken from sleep ? I don’t understand how I can go to sleep ok and get woken up and then feel bad all day . That’s what feeds anxiety because you end up cancelling your plans feeling too ill to go. I would have thought feeling anxious would stop you from sleeping in the first place !!
Physical symptoms : How can anxiety make you... - Anxiety Support
Physical symptoms

I would recommend this book by Dr Harry Barry, his explanation of what anxiety is and how to manage it is the best I've ever seen . Wishing you peace and health.
hi I noticed your post about waking up with anxiety. I’m exactly the same way, I take 15mg Mirtazapine before bed then gradually drop off for a few hours. Then bingo !! Around 3am it starts all over again , racing thoughts that won’t shut off and anxious feelings in my stomach. Every single morning I shake uncontrollably when I get up . MH team has prescribed 2mg Diazepam twice daily which is frankly nothing . 150 mg Venlafaxine daily . This morning anxiety has ruined me for the day . I’m in a constant loop ! I feel so sorry for you it’s horrendous. Xxx
Thanks for replying, do you have any physical symptoms? I’ve had tight chest, pressure headache, no appetite as I can feel so ill. Lack of proper sleep doesn’t help
That’s exactly what my anxiety symptoms felt like. Waking up was like bombs had gone off all night long.
I know longer have them after many years.
Seems I was under medicated all that time
I don’t have trouble going to sleep, but when I wake up and I haven’t taken my trazodone, I have trouble getting back to sleep. I still wake up when on trazodone, but I don’t have racing thoughts, so I can get back to sleep. It’s still some exhaustion in the morning, but it’s nothing compared to before.