I’ve been struggling with my heart fears for around a year know and it’s constant fear,my heart will beat fast over the smallest movements and I get dizzy and breathless I’m convinced it’s a heart condition I’ve had 2 ecg that came back fine but I just don’t believe my heart could be doing these weird heart beats and rapid if there’s nothing wrong,my fear is 24/7 😞
Constant cardiophobia 😟: I’ve been... - Anxiety Support
Constant cardiophobia 😟

I’ve had heart health before, you can look at my old posts and see, I’ve had it all, chest pain, rapid heart beating when getting up, palpitations etc, and guess what? All anxiety 100%, it was a long road but I appreciate my heart now and try to take care of it more now by eating good and doing cardio to make it beat even faster ( it makes it stronger)
It won’t happen overnight but learn to appreciate your heart, it’s an incredible hard working muscle! It’s been working 24/7 365 days a year since you were in the womb and it takes WAY more than a lil anxiety to take it out. You absolutely CANT manifest a heart problem out of nowhere.
Your heart beating is 100% a good sign, not a bad one, it’ll take time but if you work on it you WILL eventually believe that please trust me it will get better but it’s up to you. After I finally had my echocardiogram in the ER And everything came back clear I vowed to appreciate my good heart health and appreciate this wonderful muscle that works so hard for me everyday! Your heart can actually handle a lot, no matter how hard or fast it beats nothing will happen! Maybe a panic attack but that’s it! Lol
It will always go back down always, your have high anxiety and the heart is just doing what it should be doing when there’s a “threat”.
You can get all those symptoms and worse and be 100% healthy and it won’t subside until you believe that. Talk to a doctor about your fears, try and find one who will actually listen to you, I did and they helped show me my heart was totally fine, maybe ask for a echo (it’s like a ultrasound for your heart, and you can actually see your heart on the screen if you choose to look, I did and it was actually really fascinating), and once your echo comes back find you need to start doing the work to beat this, no medication, doctor, reassurance on here or anywhere else can do that for you, only you can beat cardio phobia. I wish you the best of luck, in the end it’ll all be ok I promise ❤️

Yeh I see if my doctor will let me do a echo if it comes back fine Ik it’s all in my head , and thanks means a lot x

Wow your response was just Amazing. I suffer from heart health and have for over 20 years now and your post made so much sense and made me feel like I’m not alone. Thank you
To put your mind at rest get an echocardiogram and wear a 24 hour holter monitor. An EKG or ECG only gets a snapshot of the heart for a very brief time. If you are not experiencing symptoms at that time, nothing will show. An Echo will check your valves, etc, and a holter will check your heart for a longer period of time.
Same!! I also get fast heartbeat with little movement, and I had EKG, echo, and holter monitor, which all came back normal, but the anxiety for my heart is still there. My Cardi prescribed me Beta blockers which helps a lot, but I’m only 18 and don’t want to be on meds forever.
Yeh I’m only 17 and I got prescription for beta blockers but didn’t like taking them ,yeh I’ll try get some tests done in the week 😊