My anxiety has been under control for the most part. I try to cope with it by sleeping, but I was laying down a little bit ago and I got this extremely sharp pain in my right upper corner of my head towards the top. And now my anxiety is sky rocket, i don’t know if I should be concerned. Considering that tumors and aneurysms are my worst fear it’s not helping. It’s been about 10 minutes since it happened, and nothing else has happened - nothing else has hurt other than the headache I’ve had all day. But it’s not severe. I don’t know if I should be worried or what
Sharp pain in head: My anxiety has been... - Anxiety Support
Sharp pain in head

No you shouldn't be worried. If it was anything serious you would have far more and severe symptoms than you do, so relax.
Snap I am always the same..I suffer migraines but still always think it's a anyurism..x
I haven't replied to a post here in a long time but yours caught my attention. If your sharp pain only happened once then it's probably nothing. If it happens more than once it still may be nothing. I had what's called "icepick" pain in my left temporal area of my head for months. Would happen up to 100x a day. MRI revealed nothing abnormal and it ended up going away a few weeks later. This was about 10 years ago and last year, for completely unrelated symptoms I had another head MRI that came back normal. I hope this gives you some reassurance 😊