I've suddenly become obsessed with my heart rate. I used to be fine. Was on sertraline for three-and-a-half years. stop taking it in October 2019. I then suddenly between Christmas and New year I felt like my heart was beating harder. Not faster but just harder in my chest so the anxiety came back again. I got put back on sertraline I took the first one on Saturday and within 5 hours I was getting really bad heart palpitations and my heart was skipping a Beat only for an hour but that was enough! Had an ECG at the doctor's yesterday and it all came back clear and now I've started obsessively checking my heartbeat and I'm driving myself bloody crazy because I keep doing it waiting for something to go wrong. I don't check it & think that's ok, I just think something must be wrong. So keep checking it trying to find something. I'm losing my mind here. Any advise? 😢
Obsessed with heat rate : I've suddenly... - Anxiety Support
Obsessed with heat rate
Hi there
I suffered with palpitations for up to 4 hours at a time. Unfortunately the more you think about them the longer you have them. Try breathing exercise of breath in for a count of 4 hold breath for count of 7 and breath out for 8 several times and this should slow you heart rate and help to ease the palpitations. Also look on utube for Sanjay Gupter a York hospital cardiolgist who explains about palpitations and how to deal with them.
You are listening in to what your body is doing of course listening in and worrying about your heart rate will cause your heart to go crazy..my advice is do something to get your mind off what your heart is doing, ignore it, then anxiety sets in and you think something is wrong the negative thoughts are scaring you hich are making your heart race. it's a viscous circle.
You should be thankful you were tested and found your heart is good be happy there is nothing wrong with your heart. Stop worrying needlesly.