Do you start feeling really tired and worn... - Anxiety Support

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Do you start feeling really tired and worn out as your anxiety levels drop?

Fireman2244 profile image
21 Replies

Why do I keep feeling so tired? I feel like I have no i could fall asleep at any moment. This is driving me nuts.

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Fireman2244 profile image
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21 Replies
Yasyass profile image

Think we all feel like that did u have a blood test or are you sleeping good at night try doing something you enjoy do you have any hobbies

LiveandLetLive42 profile image

Omg absolutely. I have had anxiety lately and it's tiring me out tremendously. If you are on something for anxiety, that could also be making you tired. Just try to relax, make sure you are eating and hydrating and get some fresh air!

Fireman2244 profile image
Fireman2244 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Its like anytime i do anything, i feel extremely tired afterwards. I never used to feel that way

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Fireman2244

Anxiety is exhausting! I totally understand. Maybe you need some vitamins! Have you seen the Dr about this?

Fireman2244 profile image
Fireman2244 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

I have had like 4 blood tests in the past year and they all show nothing. I had an echocardiogram done. Normal. I have had x rays on my back because of pain...nothing found. My throat feels tight quite a bit all day everyday. I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to be so happy and full of life and have energy, but now, I'm like a zombie. I dread going to work for fear that I'll get sick or die while there...i used to love working out and running, but now I'm afraid if i do it that it'll kill me. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm about to throw in the towel...i can't take this anymore...

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Fireman2244

It's so much fun getting older right? lol. I honestly noticed after I turned 30, I started getting more tired and lethargic. It's good that you had all those tests done. You should definitely be proud of yourself. Are you a Fireman? I know they work crazy hours.

Fireman2244 profile image
Fireman2244 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Oh yeah it's great lol. I'm only 32. I didn't realize you feel like this all the time now. This sucks. I never felt like this before my traumatic experience with a family members health... now, all i feel is tired and lethargic. My head feels like a ton of feels like I'm off balance all the time. There is nothing else wrong with me that a doctor can find....i feel like I've lost my mind

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Fireman2244

I just PM'd you!

DemureRose profile image

I get this way after dealing with an anxious event or day. Like going out with friends is usually anxiety inducing for some reason and when I get home after hanging out, I am totally exhausted. And when I went to prom last year, I left feeling exhausted. Not for the same reason as everyone else you know, dancing and stuff, I was just so anxious the entire time that it wore me out.

Fireman2244 profile image
Fireman2244 in reply to DemureRose

That's how i feel. I cut grass today as a favor to my chief and man afterward i felt like i couldn't keep my head up..i felt exhuasted

Rosiemarie82 profile image

I've been fighting my anxiety hard today. Don't know what set it off, I've had a great week. I feel like my hormones play a role in it, but that has not been confirmed. I started feeling that daunting feeling about 4 hours ago, and it has not let up! Just checked my vitals (as I do out of habit when I have symptoms), but my bp is fine. My heart rate is 94, almost always my #1 symptom.

Anyway, I said all of that to say this... I have already made a plan for take out for dinner, because I know that if/when this calms down, I will be completely drained.

Sometimes I have to make myself go to sleep to chill, but even when I don't, that's all I feel like doing. (I'm 37) It makes me feel like I am absolutely failing my family :'(

Reader247 profile image
Reader247 in reply to Rosiemarie82


I as well have the same symptom of anxiety elevated blood pressure and pulse. I also check mine cause its a comfort the feelings i have are due to this elevation .

Think of anxiety like your body is running a marathon and when your body is done with anxiety your tired.. its exhausting circle

Rosiemarie82 profile image
Rosiemarie82 in reply to Reader247

Great analogy! That is exactly what it seems like!

I try my best not to cave in and check my vitals, because even when the results are decent, I still overanalyze every aspect....and then it becomes a completely viscous cycle.

Thissucks562 profile image
Thissucks562 in reply to Rosiemarie82

Your hormones definitely are a factor. I know for me when my PMS is worse my overall anxiety tends to be worse. I read that 13% or women report they have higher anxiety before a period( a week or two before)...mine is starting to be irregular so I can see how that triggers it.

Rosiemarie82 profile image
Rosiemarie82 in reply to Thissucks562

Mine has never been "normal", but I notice too, that one of my main triggers is the day before or the day that I start. The last 2 full on panic attacks I've had were just as that. I don't really have any other symptoms thank God! It is absolutely annoying!

Yes. We stay in a state of alert, everything is heightened like our hormones that control fight or flight responses, this uses a lot of our energy. It increases cortisol, we get adrenaline rushes.

Sort of reminds me of a caffeine crash. Same concept, Caffeine blocks adenosine, when the caffeine alertness is over, the brain releases all that adenosine and I can take an amazing nap.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Fireman, Anxiety is like having a second job. The constant fear of fear wears

down both the mind and body. Scrolling through your replies from your post seems

like this tired feeling has a lot to do with you not breathing freely and fully. When we

are scared, we shallow breathe which doesn't allow enough oxygen in our lungs for

the job we are doing. When stressed, I catch myself holding my breath while going up

the steps. We need proper air flow to feel good as well as hydration. Being dehydrated

can make you feel very tired and sleepy as well. Talking out the cause of your family's

health issue with a professional, can help in releasing this hold it has on you. Psychologically, it made a video in your subconscious mind that keeps replaying each

day. It has made you feel insecure with your own health. You have a lot going for you,

you're young, healthy according to the tests you've had. Don't allow anxiety to lie to you

that you are anything but healthy.

This is a time to reverse the negative thoughts ruminating in your mind. Focus more on

positive ones that are all around you. Practice positive affirmations each day along with

breathing meditation. Upon awakening, mid day and before sleep. This will help lower

your fear levels and reduce the adrenaline. We're here for you, you are never alone.

It will eventually run it's course. :) xx

Funkyfaerie profile image


I think it's a classic symptom after a panic / anxiety attack. When I have an attack, could be anything, unbalanced, feeling like passing out, racing thumping heart, can't get my breath.... Afterwards I feel drained, just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. Its just the extreme physical exertion of an attack that makes you feel tired.

Well, that's my theory, try not to worry too much and Just rest x

Thissucks562 profile image

Wow you just described my symptoms so perfectly! (A solution I found was to write the symptoms down and then see what triggers you, some days more than others. Some days will be easier to JUST PUSH THROUGH, and do it and once you stop focusing on the feelings your mind will focus on something else and your anxiety will lessen in that moment). I get so anxious if I know I'm going somewhere then when I'm there I start getting tired but afterwards i feel like I had the flu and worked out all day! I was doing so well then bam out of nowhere my anxiety starts and that makes it worse because then I think what if something is wrong now and they haven't diagnosed it. Maybe now something developed from the last time the doctor checked?!

My cousin (favorite cousin) died suddenly over a year ago. He was ok not 100% he thought he hurt his back but low and behold it was lymphoma and by the time they detected it he had a breathing tube in him. Went into the hospital on Wednesday, he was brain dead by Friday (on life support) and his heart stopped on Sunday. I feel like that triggered me. It wasnt a big deal at first because their family has a history of cancer but now I feel like what if now this or that developed and I should go see a doctor and maybe they will find it. I too feel like giving up completely sometimes (not suicide tho) I just want to stay in bed and not do anything (I'm married with 2 kids) I know I can't. But I dont even want to go anywhere because also scared I'll just drop dead. Super long rant sorry. Hope you feel better.

Boubis profile image

Dear Fireman, i know how you feel, I felt the same. Anxiety can be very tiring: i lost 10 kgs in 1 month, I couldnt eat, couldnt sleep so good, tired like hell all the time, problems concentrating, my neck was tighty like I had smth stuck in my neck, my feet were so weak I could barely walk, couldnt enjoy anything what used to make me happy, thoughts running throu my head like every second, unexplainable fear of having Panick Attacks or to die. I wasnt able to function at work as well. This was the moment I realised I had to see a Doctor. I started taking some anti depressive in small dosis, and here I am, functioning normal again. You are not the only one, and anxiety can make you so tired, it is the most tiring thing I ever encountered. Best of wishes !

Agora1 profile image

Hi Fireman2244, As I was scrolling through the posts tonight, I noticed you

haven't been on for a week. Just checking if you're okay. Going to call it a

day but will be on tomorrow. Hope all is well. Wishing you a goodnight. :) xx

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