Hello everyone! I hope and pray that you’re have I got a great day. I have a question. Does anyone else ever have panicky feelings and anxiety while shopping? I recently experienced a few semi-overwhelming episodes of anxiety and panic while in the grocery store. Nothing happened to startle me or anything. Out of nowhere I just began to feel really panicky and anxious and it’s been bugging me for about two weeks now. I know it’s anxiety because I only get this feeling when I’m in this particular store. Any suggestions on how to cope or manage these weird feelings. Thanks I advance and have a great day 😄
Anxiety and panicky feelings while shopping. - Anxiety Support
Anxiety and panicky feelings while shopping.

I do every time I go into my local supermarket in fact I get so overwhelmed that I think I will faint. I think it must be the crowds of people and the bright lights. No you are not alone in this. I am thinking about doing my shopping online but I don't want this to defeat me. Take care!
Hi Stan, big open spaced stores with fluorescent lighting and tall ceilings can
set our emotions soaring. Between the lighting being bright and providing a low
sounding buzz as well as the over stimulation of our eyes and brain trying to take
in everything.
Always use a cart so that you feel grounded. Sometimes wearing a pair of sunglasses
can help on the glare of the lighting. The thing that can help most is to do your slow
deep breathing while exhaling long and slow. Bring your shoulders down away from your
ears as you breathe. Don't allow your head to swing back and forth looking at everything.
Do things in slow motion. Have water with you to sip on. And always treat yourself to some
little goodie at the end to embrace the good job you did. xx
Grocery store is one of my biggest triggers.... I know not for what reason.
I always have to tell myself I'll be ok before I walk through the doors. I have left in a hurry a couple of times, to scurry back to the comfort of home.
I ALSO considered online grocery shopping for about a half a second, but then got anxious at the thought of someone else picking my meat or produce 🙄.
Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself you can do it! ♡
I can totally relate. I’ve had to flee many places, including college permanently. I know you’ll get lots of advice here so I’m not going to start because I haven’t mastered it all...yet.
Take care
Hi I don't really suffer with anxiety but have felt like this sometimes in stores. It was worse when I lived in London and went into the huge stores and many is the time I found it all overwhelming and fled. I think this is quite common.
Now I have to walk with a stick, use a shopper, and have to use the supermarket trolley for support! Not easy. x
Hello Stan
I feel exactly the same
I recently had CBT and I learnt about exposure and staying with the feelings not giving in and going out of the store They will go they only have a limited time it's adrenaline that's rushing through your body and you won't come to any harm
I strongly recommend Dr Claire Weeks books and You Tube videos
I find deep breathing is good as you walk around
I hope you find some relief as it's horrible and you have my full sympathy
Agora is amazing and her advice is wonderful
Good luck x
Yes I've been there. Out of nowhere, here it comes. Then I think everyone can see it. I grab hold of my cart and try to calm myself by talking myself out of it. Which sometimes makes me more panicky. But I keep trying. Its really all you can do.
Have a good day
Hi marsbarr, Grab hold of your cart but I would change one thing and that is trying to talk
yourself out of panic. Our mind isn't rational when we start to feel fear. Know that these
feelings are not going to hurt you and start deep breathing as you continue shopping.
Moving your muscles as well as exhaling long and slow will dispel the built up adrenaline,
ease your tight diaphragm and relax your muscles. By practicing this at home every day,
it will prepare you when you are out as well as when you are over loaded with stress at
home. We need that "me time" whether it be in a quiet spot in your home or hanging on
for dear life to the cart in the grocery store. x The thing about breathing properly is that
no one can see what you are doing, it's free and it works. Keep up the good work. Trying
is a success just as much as achieving your goal. Never give up. I so believe in that. xx
Thanks everyone! It really helped me out a lot today as I went to the store.
Eat before you go to the store. This is weird but my sugar drops at the store and I feel fair, heart races, I get sweaty. So I quickly purchase a choc bar and it passes over. Now I eat b4 I go and no problems.
Hi! I can relate to your shopping anxiety. I have been a victim of stalking for several years. Many times he has followed me or found me at stores. At first, I avoided leaving the house until I absolutely had to. It seemed to help on the surface, but ultimately made things worse. I found that when I faced my fears and just did it my anxiety improved. I do a few things that may be specific to my situation, but may also help you. I park away from other vehicles, but still in a visible place so I can see all around and not be boxed in. I shop during slow times to avoid crowds. I make a list and plan a route through the store. I favor small grocery stores with low shelves. I try to have a positive interaction with someone every time I shop. I also agree with having a snack,treating yourself, and remembering to breathe. Good luck and best wishes!
Yes many times feel hot then like I just want to leave the shop I try to tell myself be strong it will pass if doesn’t I will walk out of shop give few mins outside fresh air take deep breath try again usually feel fine
I’m doing it you guys! I’m in the store right now and I’m feeling awesome!!