I need help. I’m afraid. Paralyzed by anxi... - Anxiety Support

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I need help. I’m afraid. Paralyzed by anxiety and depression.

Gidget1 profile image
43 Replies

I sit day after day waiting for it to end.

I’ve posted here before and finds it helps.

Paralyzed by anxiety and depression.


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Gidget1 profile image
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43 Replies
kenster1 profile image

hi sorry to hear of your struggles how did you cope in the past help is out there.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tokenster1

It’s never been this bad. I have zero interest in ANYTHING.

Ironj profile image

A busy mind doing something like going for a walk in the mall or house work will get your mind off anxiety. Sitting around thinking about worst case scenario will keep you in a state of anxiety. Best wishes John

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toIronj

I’m too scared & shakey to do anything.

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply toGidget1

I understand how you feel and what your going though. Believe this will pass as you start to understand this can’t hurt you.

We have irrational fears from health anxiety , being alone , driving in a car or being in a crowded area. What ever it is that’s got you in a state of fear you need self talk yourself and say this can’t hurt me. Positive dialogue will alway win over the negative thoughts as long as you catch it while the negotiate thought start.

Do you know what started your anxiety and if so look into just the facts of what it is, and face it head on with the facts in a positive way. Try not letting the what if’s get in your head and if they do distract yourself. Are you seeing a psychiatrist and do you have support at home or friends you can turn to ?

Best wishes John

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toIronj

Thanks. I’ve been coping with this for 42 yrs. But age & other health conditions make it tougher to keep fighting.

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply toGidget1

I’m at about 30 years struggling with it as well with health anxiety. And for 30 years I lived in fear that something was wrong with me and nothing was. Until 2 years ago I was hit with a real health condition so I know what your saying. Since my health has changed I’ve been a wreck but I just am tying my best to get out of my house or have people around me so I’m not dwelling on my new me. Facing true uncertainty in life is a very scary way to live but no one can predict what curve ball is coming. Since my diagnosis 2 years ago I said to myself for 30 years I’ve wasted all this time worrying about what if’s now I have something. As hard as the news was to hear , I say screw it im going to live my life and stop worrying and living I was always afraid to fly last April I did fly and just said the hell with it I am going to do everything I can now. Best wishes John

sairiin profile image

i want to say something uplifting.. but actually i do what Ironj said... sit, think and think and think and think and reflect on that thinking and then dive deeper and think a little more. Hard to move myself.. i move best when i'm closed off. I think i should be able to deal with everything not closed off.. but i do best being or just after being closed off. No external impulses.. no external input. Just you.. slows down whatever you're afraid of.. grounds you.. especially combining it with creative expression if you can. Not happy. F’ed up. I write poems for example. Where i express directly how i really feel. Stuff like that helps me. People seem confusing creatures to me.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tosairiin

Thanks. I force myself to get out of my room & read, cook, or do something creative. But then it just starts all over again the next day. I just feel like I’m wasting away waiting to die. And, it’s getting worse. I’m shortening my day by going to bed at 5 or so. Dreading waking up.

sairiin profile image
sairiin in reply toGidget1

Well good to hear you get yourself to do at least something... For how long have you been at this worsed position now..? Days.. weeks..? I'm a really ad advice giver.. i'm always like.. dive deeper.. cause i do x) does it make me feel better..? People don't make me feel better.. i guess in the end i get better to cope with things my way. Saying this tipsy from wodka btw.. No i'm not in a super position either. It's a wonder if i do one thing in a day.. altough.. i quite passed that very long phase. And with one thing i mean litterally, doing some dishes and that was my task of the day, which took hours getting myself to do it, took also a longer-than-normal-time while doing it and then of course need to puff out.. cause it was super heavy. Right now.. when i get myself to do things.. they go surprisingly fast and easy (little things that is).. but then.. there's still the rest of the day and i already did 3 things o0 yes... i very much understand wanting your day to be over.. waiting for your day to be over.. in different phases. I live in holland and am allowed to smoke weed here. So that's what i than do. Smoke my day shorter. Or else.. sleep my day shorter like you. I guess right now i'm not as deep as you are.. but i think i've been there quite.. i remember when i studied few years ago, i was so depressed and couldn't handle my feelings.. the only way to cope was smoke a joint after coming from school, go straight to bed, sleep, wake up in the middle of the night.. with "brainreset" (i always call sleeping giving me a brainreset), able to study till early morning, go to school.. etc.

*disclamer.. people can say about smoking weed whatever, but it's not getting legalized in more countries for nothing and without it, i'd probably already killed myself long ago.

sairiin profile image
sairiin in reply tosairiin

nice btw you do creative stuff.. what do you do..?

*sorry for the long rant btw.. but who knows you recognize things in it and recognition eases anxieties and pains...

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tosairiin

True. I’m reading things that remind me all I’ve been taught to cope with this. I’m just losing hope as it goes on and on ...for years I know I’ve been slipping away. The only things that kept me going were my Sonshine & my dog. Now my dog is gone. I hate it that my son has to be involved in this. Growing up, my mother was sick only twice!!!! Each time I was afraid she was dying because she NEVER stayed in bed. My father didn’t miss one day of work his whole career!!! Unbelievable. They just kept putting one foot in front of the other. I feel like I’m losing my ability to do that. I can’t find a reason. I can’t feel anything. Please send advise. I’m reading everything everyone writes. I never learned to type, so I keep it brief.


sairiin profile image
sairiin in reply toGidget1

Hmm.. it is hard getting the people involved close around you.. it's hard on both.. i find it hard too.. :( Having people close to you who somehow seem to be able to indeed"just step one foot in front of the other".. Well i guess like it starts again the next day, you start again what makes you feel nice. Yes indeed the one foot in front of the other thing i guess.. So seeing that is a bit hard.. why not just start on focusing what makes you feel nice..? Extra extra focus.. Also little things.. reachable things

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply tosairiin


sairiin profile image
sairiin in reply tohypercat54


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply tosairiin

No worries. You have put it right now. x

sairiin profile image
sairiin in reply tohypercat54

Thanks, i wanted to, but it got already corrected. I will keep it in mind.

Kaquilino2513 profile image

What are your symptoms?

Kkimm profile image


Really sorry to hear how you are suffering.

Would you be prepared to try some therapy or taking antidepressants.

I was feeling similar to you and antidepressants gave me my life back. They can make you feel worse before you feel better however so you will need support around at first.

Very best wishes


Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toKkimm

Thanks for responding. I’ve been on so many different antidepressants over the years I forget them all. Right now I’m on Zoloft & Duloxetine. I also have Xanax for when I feel paralyzed by the anxiety. I’ve done therapy, biofeedback & some meditation. I have Lupus so anything strenuous knocks me down for 2-3 days. It’s just a vicious cycle.

fib4 profile image

i know exactly how you feel i have the same symptoms fear of everything waiting for something bad to happen it stops me from really living

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tofib4

Thanks. I’m becoming a shut in & I don’t see a way out. Nothing is helping right now.

fib4 profile image
fib4 in reply toGidget1

i'm the same afraid to leave the house but i have to because i work full time so i understand i'm here if you need to talk

Dixie9326 profile image

Which antidepressant are you on?

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toDixie9326

Hi, I’m on Zoloft 250mg & Duloxetine 60mg. Your thoughts? I have 3mg Xanax/day. I know it’s a depressant, but it’s the only thing that stops the 24/7 shaking & fight/flight impulse & stops all the panic in my head. I’d rather be tired.

Thanks for replying.


Dixie9326 profile image
Dixie9326 in reply toGidget1

Xanax is so highly addictive and can’t believe any physician would give you that... how long have you been on it.? Maybe you need ECT..electroconvulsive therapy....maybe you need a different SSRI..your Doctor should be helping you with this...that is NO WAY TO LIVE!! Throwing Xanax into the mix is a short term fix:(

How long have you depressed this severely?

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply toDixie9326

I’ve been on and off Xanax for 30 years. I’ve stopped and started as needed. Its a very safe and appropriate medication. In fact benzodiazepine are the only medication that help with your Gaba receptors ssri or SNRI don’t.

Electroconvulsive is an option but in very limited cases that really went out in the 70s.

I’ll say it again benzodiazepine have gotten a bad name because people that don’t need them called ( junkies ) get them illegally and use them as recreational drugs. People that need them depend on them because they work.

Let me ask you a question i’m a diabetic and just because I’m dependent on insulin or I would die , would you chastise me for becoming depend on that or high blood pressure pills and the list goes on.

I could care less if I become dependent on a medication that give you your quality of life back.

Trust this if benzodiazepine were a new drug that hit the market all Drs would be pushing it like they did when it first came out because big pharma made tons of money on it. Now there’s no profit. But there’s Huge profit with SSRI SNRI that’s why they push it. Adding Serotonin to a brain that doesn’t need it doesn’t help it adding norepinephrine to a brain that doesn’t need it won’t help either. The only medication that does work are benzodiazepine as they work on the Gaba in your brain that’s why they work so well. You shouldn’t be telling people Xanax is a horrible medication it’s reckless and absolutely not correct.

Dixie9326 profile image
Dixie9326 in reply toIronj

Benzos are great when used short term. Not only junkies get hooked on Benzos.. many people, everyday average people, have gotten hooked on them and have lost their lives. Trying to get off of benzodiazepines after you’ve been hooked is worse than any anxiety you have ever experienced. You may have managed them yourself throughout the years but thousands and thousands of unsuspecting patients have had very serious consequences from this drug.

And they still use ECT on stubborn cases of depression. It isn’t used as frequently because SSRI’s came into use . They help most people no matter what you claim.. they don’t make you sleepy and space you out like benzos..

I’m a retired Emergency Dept RN and I know for a fact benzodiazepines can be dangerous without strict monitoring.. it is a very good drug used under proper supervision!!

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply toDixie9326

There’s no free lunch when it comes to medications. People have potential adverse side effects. People taking SSRI have brian zaps and horrible withdraws.

A lot of people tragically have committed suicide from Ssri meds. And I’ve tried all the leading SSRI meds and all made me tired ,lazy,gain a lot of weight.

I bet if a poll was taken on this site people would say they’ve been though a lot of ssri because in most cases they didn’t do much for them.

Then do a poll on benzodiazepine and you’ll see the vast majority of people with bad anxiety would pick a benzodiazepine any day over an SSRI.

I have a lot of respect for you as an RN and I’m sure you’ve seen it all. But I’ve lived this for 30 years and become consumed with researching anxiety and the meds that go with it.

In my opinion there’s nothing better for anxiety then a benzodiazepine under a Psychiatrist supervision. I have seen the same psychiatrist for 30 years he just went to a seminar for psychiatrist he told me this.

The psychiatrist speaking asked the room if you only had one medication to choose from for your patients what would it be. He tells me the vast majority of the psychiatrist chose a benzodiazepine.

Any medication should be Tappered off or bad things can and do happen.

Again I have a lot of respect for nurses and I’m not trying to be argumentative. I just see a lot of people that really need benzodiazepine and The younger Dr’s refuse to give it to them. It’s wrong to let a person suffer when there’s a very effective medication that can control it.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toIronj

I would chose a benzo, too. It’s the one thing that I won’t live without- besides my son.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toDixie9326

I’m too scared to run out to abuse them. They just make me sleepy anyway. They were fun when I was younger. Not anymore. They’re just a partial solution helping me stay alive.

I had to drop out of college, my honeymoon was ruined, I spent the day in the infirmary at Epcot, and so on...

Anxiety has trashed my life & I’ve always smiled and laughed like everything was okay. It’s not okay.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toIronj

Yes, I’ve used the diabetic comparison. Doctors are watched so closely now & pharmacies are on their leash. I’ll go to a hospital before I’ll buy anything illegally.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toDixie9326

42 years. ENOUGH.

Sunnidayz1 profile image

I know what anxiety feels like & Im sorry you are going through this. The only way to get through this is by doing the work. It takes time and energy but it is cureable. You need to find that small sense of strength in you to pull through. Everyday you take small steps & that small spot of hope and strength will get bigger and bigger. You really can do this. And once u do it is very empowering. Get the right help and do the work. And implement coping skills like meditation, exercise, yoga, etc. No one can do this for you. YOU have the power to do this!

Btw, the more you stay in the " I feel like crap. I cant do this. I cant do that" the worse the anxiety is going to get. Doing something would be in your best interest. All the work will be well worth it.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toSunnidayz1

Thanks for the encouragement.


Nrfn profile image

To anyone suffering... check out anxietynomoreuk. Paul David cured himself and so did I with his blog and books. No joke pick up his books and find your own path to freedom. You will NEVER rid yourself of anxiety while waiting for it to leave. YOU are the key to your recovery. There is no such thing as the anxiety monster taking over your life. YOU are the monster and the creator of your own anxiety!! You must change your attitude towards it. You must learn that anxiety is normal not a disease one must get rid of. It's an internal protection that you keep flipping the switch to.

crowningglory19 profile image

I'm so sorry you are going thru this! Do you have anyone to talk to or a counselor? Many churches offer it free too. Magnesium helps a lot to calm anxiety and your mind body and spirit! Also, Ginseng is great to get rid of sticky negative thoughts too. Get outside, breathe fresh air, it will revive you. Help someone around you, that will help you too. Everyone needs purpose, volunteering is great for us all. <3

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tocrowningglory19

I’m taking Magnesium. How much do you recommend?

crowningglory19 profile image
crowningglory19 in reply toGidget1

You can't overdo magnesium so be generous, esp in evenings. The only side effect is loose bowels if you tend that way if you do too much, then back off. Mega doses are given to pregnant women to relax them and slow labor and also to heart attack patients. =)

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply tocrowningglory19

I make it a point to do at least one random act of kindness a day. Even if it’s just smiling at a stranger (I’m careful about which ones, though. The world’s different now). It does make me feel better about myself. I have been told that I’m “the most generous person I know” by some people. Little do they know it’s not for them! ;(

crowningglory19 profile image
crowningglory19 in reply toGidget1

Well, just because it's to help you, doesn't mean it's not for them too. It's a double blessing, and nothing to be sad about, it's a good thing. Bless you for blessing them. =)

Dogdoo profile image

I've had great luck with gabapentin for my anxiety and it's safer and not addicting like benzos.

I switched from zoloft to lamictal and am doing much better.

Don't know if that's a med you've trief; it's actually an anticonvulsant drug that works well for depression.

I couldn't function last January; was even in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Now i work full time and can function.

It's still a struggle sometimes but with therapy and meds i get through.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply toDogdoo

Gabapentin/lyrica did nothing. Thanks, though.

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