Hello and merry Christmas! Should be happy and trying to relax but wound up to hell, feeling absolutely rubbish atm. I also have some sort of viral infection which is making me feel so low. I have so much tension in my body, my eyes hurt, my shoulders are solid, I’m dizzy, unbalanced. My mind won’t let me believe it’s anxiety why do I continue to disbelieve!!
This is rubbish: Hello and merry Christmas... - Anxiety Support
This is rubbish

Hello & Happy Christmas to you
There are so many infections going about at the moment and people that do not suffer with anxiety ride them through till they feel better , yet we get into a state giving us more symptoms , making us feel worse and then taking us twice as long to feel better , I know because I do it !
Anxiety likes to be in control and that is why your mind won't believe it because if it did anxiety would loose and it never likes to loose !
It is hard I know but when you get these thoughts try and replace them with more positive one's ...like telling yourself it is anxiety , if it was anything else I would have known by now and so on , even if you don't believe it keep practising positive thoughts eventually it will not be as hard to believe that yes anxiety can give you all these physical symptoms
You are not on your own there are so many of us struggling that understand
Take Care x

Hi thanks for your message, I really don’t know how I am going to get over this I have been this way so so long 😔I am starting CBT on 6 January. Hopefully this will conquer it but who knows as I’ve just had it so long.? My husband says I need to be more positive! True but difficult isn’t it!!
I am 57 and have been like this since I was a child
But I have had better times till things trigger it of
I to start therapy on the 6th Jan so here is hoping it helps us both
When someone does not suffer they just don't understand and yes if only we could be more positive we would not be on here relating to each other !
We will get there and at least we know we have somewhere to come where we are understood and not alone x

Thank you I am 45 I have a 6 year old son always on edge and snappy with him poor kid. I must conquer this! 😌
Don't feel guilty , you did not ask for this and kids are quite resilient
I always used to tell mine I was sorry as I would snap at them and they are all grown up now eldest nearly 40 , then 36 and youngest 25 and even been like I am they have all grown up stable adults , good jobs and know they are loved
Give him plenty of cuddles when you are up to it and let him know even Mum' get snappy x
Im getting over a virus that seems to bring on depression too
Evening primrose oil capsules are good for eyes and depression
Also fish oil capsules
Hopefully as the virus goes you will feel better