I was just thinking about my panic attack that happen bout 6 or 5 months ago and how bad it affected me mentality like I never felt intense fear like that before I thought it was all over for me. It's so bad that bc u think the absolute worst is about to happen 😔 and that leaves a stain in u that is hard to clean up .... Anxiety and painc attacks are extremely powerful until you just accept it but it's hard to even do that when is making you think the worse. And aslo I'm getting to the point where I'm scared to leave the house bc that's were I feel safe
Bad panic attacks affecting the mind - Anxiety Support
Bad panic attacks affecting the mind

Hi James....When our anxiety and fear get overwhelming, it distorts our way of
thinking rationally. I know because years ago I lost 5 years of my life with Agoraphobia.
I became afraid of everything and my irrational thinking took over which made me
think my house was my safety zone.
At first, it seemed plausible. It wasn't until after the first year that it started feeling
confining. I couldn't stick my head out the door to get the mail. The doctor and nurses
had to come to my home to check on me. I kept thinking what must the neighbors think,
I wasn't that old and there was medical help coming to my home several times a week.
It wasn't until the third and fourth year that I started worrying about my life or as I called
it, my existence. Because I certainly wasn't living. Besides having medical help, I also
had psychological help coming to my home. I was on benzos but that wasn't doing anything.
I started researching and reading everything I could get my hands on regarding anxiety and
the mind/body connection. I finally realized that my future success had to come from
me. No one else could get me out of that house.
By the 5th year I was more than ready to take that chance and leave the house. After
all, what I was afraid of was not outside but deep deep inside of me. Small steps James,
was the way at first. Within a short time, I was once again driving, entering the stores
that years ago I had run out of in anticipated fear. I was free. The feeling was so
amazing. I felt alive once more.
I tell you my story so that you don't allow anxiety to take control of your life. Once you
give in, it makes you believe in those lies. Reach out to us, to therapists. But don't stay
in your home longer than you have to. We are here to help you with your journey.
Don't ever give up my friend. xx
Hi James,
I too had panic attacks that caused me to live with Agoraphobia for two years. One thing that would help me was to do a check on my muscles when I began to have the panic feeling. I would start on my neck, shoulders and relax them. Then continue down the body relaxing the muscles until you reach the toes. They are usually tight because of the anxiety. You can start with your feet and work your way up too. Tighten them and then release. I think I remember being told that you are concentrating on your muscles and it takes the mind away from the crippling anxiety. I went for therapy too. That helped but I really think focusing on your muscles when you feel the anxiety coming on helps a lot.
If you havent already, You should download the book DARE by Barry McDonagh , he goes over what you are going through. If you keep running from your fear by using safe spaces such as your home, you will get worse because you are reinforcing your fear by running from it. You have to constantly challenge your fear of panic attacks, the anxiety will slowly go away.
Yes, Panic attacks are traumatic and can cause you to subconsciously fear having them again in public places, so you prefer to be at home or other safe spaces. Dont play into this, its Agoraphobia.
I had this issue because of some bad news from a doctor, I thought Id die of a heart attack and started having panic attacks whenever I felt my heartbeat , until the doctor ran more tests, and found im ok after all, but I had to work though the fear of having a panic attack in public, being stuck in a grocery store line, walking long distances by myself, stuck in a barber chair, meetings etc.. Its been about 6 months, Im much better now, but I constantly challenge myself as much as I can by not avoiding activities to build confidence.