Have like a heavy head pressure on top head and lightheaded blurred vision on and off 😩today i woke up like this my head is bothering me feels really heavy bothering my eyes sensitive to light i dont feel like doing much but lay in bed
Does anyone else: Have like a heavy head... - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else

Yes i have this as well. Very frustrating.
Now im convinced i have a brain tumor 😔
I doubt thats it. Have you gotten bloodwork done?
Yes alqays comes back fine tho but i dont thinK blood work can detect tumors
It will show some sort of abnormality if you have a brain tumor. I have high hemoglobin and henatocrit. I know its alot of symptoms because i have the same as you. You should see a neurologist or psychiartrist. I have an mri and eeg coming up will let you know how it goes. It takes times to figure out things sometimes. What meds are you on.
I get exactly the same honestly i go through it every night i get pains across my chest and thats it i think im dying over react big time but try and take your mind off it, all the best
I have it all the time, including derealization, went to my dr, turned out I needed glasses and also had sinus inflammation which could cause it
I have neurological symptoms too and all my tests came back normal so they diagnosed me with FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER. See a neurologist and start cognitive behavioral therapy.
I’m going through the same thing! It’s miserable. 😩 how do you cope when you start feeling this way?