So I got an interview for a pharamacy apprenticeship and I’m really wanting to do well. I get so anxious I shake and sweat and stutter the job I’m at rn was horrid with the interview more my fault cause of my anxiety but Yh any tips.
K x
So I got an interview for a pharamacy apprenticeship and I’m really wanting to do well. I get so anxious I shake and sweat and stutter the job I’m at rn was horrid with the interview more my fault cause of my anxiety but Yh any tips.
K x
I’m retired now but can identify with anxiety about job interviews. First off, everyone - I repeat, everyone - gets nervous in that situation (unless they’re inhuman, lying to themselves or can’t feel emotions).
Secondly, I’ll share the mindset that usually worked for me. As much as I thought I wanted any job, I really didn’t know what would be the right fit. The interview was as much about me interviewing them as them, me. That way, it was easier to just be honestly me, and that worked out better. Some of the best jobs I’ve had came about through an interview where I didn’t put pressure on myself to “perform.”
You’ll do fine. And if you’re meant to get the position, you will!
I think the best way is to act confident whether you feel it or not. Also smile a lot and be friendly towards the interviewer because they are only human. My daughter is always very friendly when she goes for an interview and I'm always surprised that she gets the job even though she might not be qualified enough. So take a deep breath and a big smile and go for it!
I get nervous too and the advice you’ve gotten to remember that you’re interviewing them too is good. I also agree that if you’re friendly and frame everything in a positive way that goes a long way. I’ve gotten jobs over more qualified people because of that. You can teach a new hire job skills but you can’t really teach them how to have a good attitude. The last thing I try to remind myself is that it’s not endless, the interview will be over soon and I did my best. Good luck, I hope you get the job!
As many others state, it’s about you interviewing them to find the right fit also. Everyone gets nervous, for sure, but smile, give firm handshakes and know you have the knowledge to do well. Ask lots of questions to see if it’s a place you really want to work. There are lots of possibilities out there. Remember always that they are trying to sell the job to you also to make you like the place and make you want to work there. It’s not some one sided thing where this is the only job available ever and you’re desperate. If this isn’t a good fit, you’ll find the one that is. I’m sure of it. Prep well for it, dress nice and groom well so you feel confident and look polished. Take deep breaths and use affirmations. They might feel silly at first but they really do work. Maybe say to yourself, I and smart, confident and talented and I can do anything I set my mind to. I will impress my interviewers because I am amazing. I am worthy of everything I want in life. This job is as good as mine.
I promise they help as you repeat them. I am sure you’ll do great! You’ve got this!