Scared of dying in my sleep
Scared of dying in my sleep: Scared of dying... - Anxiety Support
Scared of dying in my sleep

Honestly the best thing you can do is just accept what death is. My therapist always asks me “what would happen if you died?” And that question always stops me in my thoughts because if I die, I die. Point blank period. You have to be able to come to terms with death. You can’t sit here and ignore the fear or try to rationalize why it won’t happen to you because that’s not helpful. It’s something we just have to accept and move on from. Ya everyone’s scared of it but you’ll soon be afraid of living your life because you’re that scared of death.
I’ll try to accept it I’ll work on it my dad says god won’t take you when your young especially because he’s got big plans for me and everyone
Hey my phone is finally working and not closing the app if been doing good still have that thought but when I’m active I don’t think about it how have you been doing
How have you been doing trustngod. I’ve had this thought scare me a lot I’m so scared like I think it will happen every night
I am doing well mydogmax. Thank you for asking.
Well have you been doing more to accept what death is?
Yes for a while I didn’t think of it but now it came back again
No no. You don’t stop thinking of it. You accept what death is. Your fear will constantly keep coming right back to you if you don’t just say well death is death and my time will come when my time comes. And you trust that God does have a plan for your life and that his plan is perfect.
I do trust that he has a plan for my life but I don’t know I just get afraid of it last night was horrible and today I’ve been thinking of it all the time
I am going to be completely honest with you and I do hope you take the time to read through this ENTIRE message.
I too developed a crippling fear of death this summer. When I first started therapy, my therapist asked me “and what would happen if you died?” I was taken aback because what would happen if I died? Well I’ll tell you MyDogMax. If I die, I die. Period. There are no if and or buts and you’ve got to come to terms with that. You can’t reason through it saying you’re healthy or your young because how can any of us use that as reasoning when not even our next breath is guaranteed? One of the most amazing things about God is that he has sovereignty over us. What I mean by that is that he won’t take you a moment too soon or a moment too late. He has perfect timing for everything in our lives and we MUST have faith in that. I struggle deeply with this because I always want to have control but that’s in line with faith.
So I say this to say that you must accept death as it is and trust in God’s sovereignty because you will never be able to get over this fear. Don’t allow it to consume your life. If you hear about death on the TV or hear facts about certain syndromes you just say wow that’s interesting and move on. Don’t dwell on things like that. There are far better topics that could be on your mind.
I know this is anxiety my dad texted me last night and said, if you were afraid of dying in a car accident would you drive a car again if you were afraid of choking on a piece of food would you eat anymore if you were afraid dying in a plane crash would you ever fly in a plane this helped me a lot
Do you think this is anxiety or what
I don’t know. You tell me
I don’t know does it sound like anxiety
I don’t know what do you think?
I guess it’s anxiety
You can ask people all you want whether or not they think it’s anxiety but anxiety is only going to go away when you acknowledge that it’s there and allow it to just be. Look up post on here by Beevee. That is the only way you’ll heal. You can’t keep trying to find confirmation in others answers. Find confirmation and peace in your belief that it is anxiety.
Ok I just checked it out I will definitely go back there I’m just scared that it’s not anxiety
You’ve had it for 2 months every single day. You have been checked out by doctors and had sleep study done. We know it’s not from God because it has you so fearful you’re in tears. The only other explanation is anxiety and the only way to get rid of it is to accept it. When you feel the fear, breathe (download the calm app and do one of those breathing exercises), pray and remind yourself ok I have felt this fear before. It amounted to nothing. This is my anxiety and I will let it be. Don’t quickly text people asking what they think it is that’s not going to help you. Acceptance is key here and like I said, everyone who you’re asking “is this anxiety?” to isn’t doing you any favor by answering that because you yourself aren’t accepting what it is.
Hey there how have you been doing. I have been doing better I can tell the fear is coming back I’m trying to accept it
How have you been doing
I’m ok. How are you?
How have you been doing
Good. You?
How have you been doing
I’m ok. How are you?
I’m good as well I have been doing more activities during the day so I’m not focusing on the fear as much I am learning to accept it and doing better now there are some nights where it’s bad but I just try to relax and tell myself it’s a fear and nothing will happen so
Oh my gosh I just now realized I still have this app laugh out loud I honestly think I have beaten this fear I honestly do I haven’t had that fear in 2 weeks I feel so alive again
Ok so I woke up last night at 1am with a sore throat coughing and a 101 degree fever so I went to the kitchen splashed some water on my face and sat down turned the tv on and for some reason when I wake up I can’t go back to sleep so I was awake until 5 and took a hour nap and woke up went to my local urgent Care got tested for the flu and strep throat well they came back negative so I think I have a cold so now I’m not sure how I will sleep tonight with all my coughing hope you read this and gosh I hate the cold
So sorry to hear that but I’m glad it wasn’t the flu. Whenever I have a cold, I buy Vick’s and rub that on my chest, neck, back, feet, and nose and then I take some cold medicine too. Specifically one that’s for coughing. Hope you feel better soon!
I’m watching a YouTube video right now about the fear of dying and the guy I’m watching understands it so much he said fear sells and people are making millions over your fears from social media he said we are being brainwashed because your brain is making ideas like what happens when we die and that you will die because it’s a cycle we were born we eventually die so this guy is helping even more
Ok so basically these past couple of weeks have been good I came on here to ask if a simple question. So I have heartburn after I eat something that is salty or like chocolate is this normal or do I need to go to the doctor
You’re experiencing classic acid reflux. It’s always good to see a doctor regarding this so they can recommend the acid reducer that they think is best for you. For now though, you can eat tums when you experience the heart burn and avoid foods that trigger it.
Is it like bad or something
Long term yes because it can really cause scarring in your esophagus. I’ve had it for around 9+ years and with omeprazole and tums, my esophagus is still looking pretty good.
How have you been doing
Pretty good. How are you?
I’ve been doing well like I said that heartburn freaked me out my fear comes back here and there I would say 2 times a week or so
When I wa in Middle and High school, when school started anew , I thought to myself that in a short time, it will be summer with no school. Now I wake up at night and think in a minute, I will die. I don't know why but it scares me. But it started because I hated school and couldn't wait until it was over.
The fear of death is something that is very common. It’s hard to wrap our minds around something that we eventually have to face but have no idea what it will be like. But for those with anxiety, this fear is often irrational and VERY amped up. My therapist always tells me “if you die, you die.” That really helps me because it’s the truth and it’s simple. Too often I try to make the answer to “what if I die” complex when it isn’t.
It’s interesting that your fear stated because you hated school and couldn’t wait until it was over. Is there any way you can elaborate on that? Like why did that hate now turn into the fear of death?
I am so sorry you feel that way. I imagine you must be quite a young person. For me, I feel so ill these days with various health issues but mostly anxiety, that would be absolutely what I would want, just to go in my sleep. My biggest fear is getting old and going in some ghastly nursing home of which there are so many in the UK. I am an atheist so I wouldn't care whether I went up or down if you know what I mean. My one concern would be who would take care of my four cats.
Seriously, stop worrying about it, if you did die, it would be a tragedy for your parents, but what is there to be afraid of, you would not know anything about it. Take care.
I’d personally rather go in my sleep if anything.
Is there reason in particular why you are afraid of it happening in your sleep?
I’ve been trying to tell myself if I die I die there is nothing I can do, when it’s my time it will happen. My particular reason of why I’m fearing death so much is that o have 4 young children I do not want to leave before they are all grown and able to look after themselves.
Are you seeing a therapist?
I am glad your Dad believes in God. Everything that was created by Him He created to produce after it's kind. If you believe in God and the bible, the best for you is yet to come. However, you have no control over death. We are all going to die unless the rapture happens. I am looking forward to no more pain, tears, or death. Eternal life is real. If you are a Christian, you can rest in the assurance that the best for you is yet to come. Don't think about dying. Think about living your life each day. Enjoy the things that are free: air, water, beautiful sky, sun, moon, stars....all stay in its place. Death is a part of life. Death takes care of itself. You enjoy your life.
Hi, I’m so sorry you suffer with this fear. It’s one of the hardest fears to overcome, but you are not alone. Just doing a google search I see many people have this same fear. Something that might comfort you is listening to near death experiences on YouTube. Many of them say that they were given a choice to stay or be sent back, or told they can’t stay in heaven yet. My point being, there is an element of choice in crossing over. When I listen to NDEs they bring me comfort not fear. I hope you get relief soon and are able to enjoy a nice refreshing sleep again.
been through that fear with my anxiety, but then i realized i could not stay awake every night so i had to accept life as it is. has the same possibility as just passing in your every day life and activities so might as well enjoy everyday as it comes. get some rest ☺️❤️ u will be fine