Ive grown sceptical of psychiatry in gener... - Anxiety Support

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Ive grown sceptical of psychiatry in general.. (may be triggering)

1 Reply

One psychiatrist tells you one thing, another tells you the opposite, meanwhile you're the one who has to suffer for their mistakes when they prescribe a wacky medication or take you off of something to fast or just keep prescribing benzos until you become dependent and your anxiety gets worse. Every medication they give you is just a shot in the dark, and they all have their own personal preference. Personal preference belongs in art, not sciences, especially when it comes to your health. 50 years or so from now when they look back at our psychiatry they'll probably consider it barbaric. I'll admit that brain medication does help some, but it hurts some too, even ruins lives, and it has never helped me. Many of us have tried psych med after psych med and have nothing to show for it but worsening mental health and unbearable side effects (that psychiatrists dont understand and cant explain). I wish I had been born in a time where psychiatry was much more advanced. Just a little rant, I hope I'm wrong and you all have good experiences with meds of course.

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Agora1 profile image

Unfortunately "someone" you are right. At least according to my own experiences.

They've been called "pill pushers" by some and now I start to wonder. The drug companies give them samples and those samples are for us to try. I've wondered

along the way if there was any rhyme or reason in how the right drug was chosen.

There isn't because we all react differently. What works for Patient A might not help

Patient B at all. After a while, even the best of psychiatrists can get frustrated in our

not responding. Mine did at one time and wanted me on a medication (I'd rather

not say which one) that would accomplish nothing regarding anxiety but only allow

me to sleep my day away. Thanks, but no thanks. That's not an answer.

Since mental health issues have become more prevalent recently or at least are

brought to the public's attention, I think down the road, we will see improvements

in how the patient is diagnosed as well as the proper choice of drugs or methods

that may help. Right now, I believe that Dr. Claire Weekes was right on target

many years ago. Acceptance being the key.

This post in no way is suggesting that we don't need meds. I was on daily meds for

many years and couldn't have existed w/o them at the time. Once we become like a

zombie and the number of choices get limited, then it's time to look for other options.

Maybe if we all did a little ranting and raving, the medical profession may be moved

to find different answers for our issues. Hang in there, I know your day is coming

where you will be able to pass it forward to others who have struggled as you have. :) xx

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