In the last 3 months my doc has changed my meds from escilopram to setraline back to escilopram and changed my dose 4 times now today went and say a specialist med doc and they have put me on paxil I've never try this but I really hope it works it's been so hard lately please let it work any good feedback would be really appreciated I just need to talk and support please help
Omg my doc just changed my meds again so s... - Anxiety Support
Omg my doc just changed my meds again so scary

So you were on lexapro then Zoloft then back to lexapro and now Paxil? I think Zoloft and lexapro are my personal favorites because side effects are minor and most people have little issues. Paxil is less sedating and usually not a frontline med for anxiety or panic disorder. However everyone is different. Don’t be afraid to take it because it’s the same class as the other ones you took. If this doesn’t work perhaps your dr should look at an SRNI like Effexor or cymbalta? I hate taking new meds as well so I get it. Perhaps the Paxil will be the one for you!!😊
Just curious how did you like lexapro? Ive been on zoloft for a bit over 2 weeks and it really hasnt kicked in yet because i still get attacks which cause me to take .25mg of ativan.
The lexapro was great!! It did give me insomnia so I took in the morning instead. I kid you not, I felt better within 3 days it was like a cloud lifted. I had energy could do things ect. The Zoloft made me more flat.. like no depression or anxiety but no personality either. They are chemically closely related but everyone’s brain is different. I took Zoloft for 20 years and lexapro for 4.
And don’t worry about taking .25 of Ativan to get you through that is a baby dose..
Ok good. Im just scared of becoming dependant. I see my doc monday to talk about maybe switching anti depressants but have had to take .25mg of ativan the past 4 days due to panic and not being able to do certain things mainly outside of my home related like work. How long did zoloft take to kick in and any GI related side effects?
Zoloft took a solid 3 weeks to feel anything for my anxiety which was a bummer. To reach its maximum benefit its more like 6-8. Some people find it works quicker than that. I didn’t have any GI issues on Zoloft at all but I started at a baby dose of 25 and worked my way up to 200. Zoloft tends to be a bit more sedating than lexapro so I take mine at night vs had to take lexapro in the morning. Don’t worry that you had to take .25 of Ativan for the last 4 days. Ask your dr to continue it until the Zoloft has time to work. I hope you feel better soon.
Did you ask why? Mines did the same thing. She said because the one I was on was making me gain weight. But put me on something I had already tried, I told her that, she did it anyway. I took myself off it. I'm looking for a new psychiatrist. That's what you should do?