The Socorro prescribed me paroxetine for my anxiety. I’ve did some research and I’ve seen nothing but horror stories about to. Is anybody here taking this? If so how hasn’t it been? I’ve read that it’s terrible to get off when you want to be done with it.
Paroxetine : The Socorro prescribed me... - Anxiety Support

I meant to put “doctor” but auto correct changed the word to Socorro for whatever reason. Please just read over that. Thanks!
Hey Lemon. I haven't tried that one and won't for the same reasons you're citing here. Have you tried other SSRI's? I've tried Lexapro (not for me - bad reaction), Zoloft (not for me) and currently Prozac (not awful... still trying it out).
Hello. I’ve been taking Paroxetine for last 6 months already. No side effects. At first I just felt more sleepy but now I’m functioning normal. It’s not a wonder medicine, I still get some anxiety but it literally saved me from going nuts because of my panic attacks and fears of dying
My husband has been on it for years. No problems
Medication is a choice. We all have different thoughts on it. For me it's quality of life issue. I need the meds to function.
Good luck with your decision.
I'm also struggling to make a choice about taking this. The erowid vault online lists many stories of positive outcomes in the Paroxetine experience page.
It worked for me for 20 years. Until it didn't. Getting off of it was a nightmare and finding something else which worked was difficult. But I would do it all over again considering the years of relief I received.