Does anyone knows about this medication and clonotril I was prescribe these. Paroxetine has a lot of side effects like my anxiety and even more. Idk if that's going to help much
Paroxetine: Does anyone knows about this... - Anxiety Support

Hi Kerstindyer, the Paroxetine (Paxil) is an SSRI which takes about 4-6 weeks to reach full efficacy depending what the starting dose is. Sometime it's adjusted as you are on it for a while. As for the Clonotril, it is a benzodiazepam drug. Usually using both helps with on going anxiety. Besides medication, talk therapy is a good choice at the same time. Looking back at your Profile, you have your hands full
Finding the right medication and right dose can sometimes be a trial and error step but your doctor knowing your medical history will choose what he feels is best for you. I wish you well in getting some help with the medication. Don't lose faith, it takes a little time. Always keep your doctor updated on the effects of the meds. Never stop them on your own always check with the doctor if you feel it's not working. Good Luck, keep us posted as to how you do. x
I collected the meds today actually I haven't taken any yet . so tomorrow will be the first time taking meds for my anixety I'm nervous to take them.
Kerstindyer, I know you are nervous about starting new meds. We are all the same. Write down the name of the drug, the dose and the time you take it. If you feel more comfortable let someone like a family member or friend know that you are starting on medication. You can also let us know on the forum and we will help support you.
Good Luck x
Hi, I started taking paxil 10mg almost a month ago and it has started to work for me. I didn't want to take meds but I couldn't keep going with adrenaline rush and fear if it. Feels so good to finally be able to relax and if anxious feelings arise I don't get fearful like I usually did. I basically couldn't function very well and just kept pushing myself through the days. Its not the way to live life!
Hi Agora1 thanks and I'm so glad you are part of this forum. What would we all do without you?!! You're basically a psychologist on here! Hope you are well!
I have been on paroxetine for 18 years, it saved my life! I've recently had my dosage upped due to life circumstances.
Don't listen to all the side effects as they don't happen to everyone, in fact I only have ever experienced a dry mouth, I'd take that all day over anxiety. I wish you luck & hope it works as good for you as it has me xx
Thanks you guys. I'm home alone most days and I'm really scared and the hurtful part my doctor just handed me the prescription with out giving me no advice on how to deal with the situation and didn't even tell me any thing about the pills I had to research them on my own. And due to the fact that I'm alone 5, days a week and have 3 children under 2 I'm scared for them and my self 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
It will not harm you darling, it will only make your life better. Trust me, I was a complete mess & was actually an inpatient in a psychiatric unit! After taking paroxetine I got my life back! Don't expect miracles, they take time to work but once they do you will feel so much better. DM me if you want I've taken them most of my life xxx
Kerstindyer, hi my dr didn't say anything either and she looked at me like I had 3 heads!! Lots of drs don't have any idea about anxiety I guess. I just want to say I started with 5 mg for a week and then I started the 10 mg of paxil and I don't feel any side effects. I read this online to start that way. My cousin who's a nurse has been taking paxil for many years and that's why I said ok to them. She's fine. Believe me you won't regret it. Just think how much better you'll be able to enjoy your kids!
Thank you guys its really hard going through this with no support from my family and a bunch of family issues