Anyone knows how to get rid of really bad acid reflux? I’ve had it constantly every day for past two years. I’ve tried all medications - nothing seems to get rid of it! I was told by an consultant it’s down to hypersensitive caused by anxiety! I’ve cut out most things out of my diet because it reacts badly to my acid reflux. It’s one stress after another and I’m now getting anxiety from eating. I’ve started yoga and drink camomile tea - I’m just constantly tired and my job is exhausting!
Can’t shake of Acid Reflux! : Anyone knows... - Anxiety Support
Can’t shake of Acid Reflux!

This may sound weird but try some apple cider vinegar. It def works for indigestion I can tell you that. It's a magic cure all.
See if it helps you. If you've been trying things for two years this can't hurt.
Apparently it’s not indigestion that I have it’s hypersensitive. Unfortunately Apple cider could possibly tigger it more like lemons and peppers do. Thanks.
Yes I never would have thought vinegar would work because it's acidic. But I googled it's mechanism of action on acid. It made sense and I was desperate and it worked.
Well, maybe my suggestion will help someone else
I hope you find something I'm sure it's a horrible feeling and uncomfortable as well
I will give it ago but because it’s apparently not acid reflux related it’s tricky to get rid of
Your suggestion has helped me. I too suffer with acid reflux/indigestion. I am trying to wean myself off of Anti Acid Pills because they are not good for the human body in the long run. I want to try something natural to relieve my acid reflux/indigestion problem. I've heard of drinking lemon water. I just never thought acid could be relieved by drinking lemon or apple cider vinegar. I am gonna give it a try.. Thank you for the suggestion. I think my anxiety is a contributing factor for my acid reflux/indigestion issues. I've cut down on eating many foods that trigger my indigestion/acid reflux. Thank you again for your advice..
Hey, I get this and I use magnesium oil as soon as I feel it come on, a couple of sprays and a rub in on my forearm and 10 minutes later it's gone. I don't get it half as much as did in the past since using magnesium oil, you can get if from most health food shops or Amazon !.
I will try the oil - it sounds interesting. I’ve also heard of hbd oil suppose to help with stress and if that is what causing my acid then it may work?
You mean CBD ? CBD can make it worse depending on what it's mixed with as in virgin olive oil etc. The only thing I've found to work was magnesium oil, eases anxiety and stress, balances the body from acidic to alkaline. Without magnesium I'd be going through hell.
Ah yes that’s it. Olive oil! That make it worse considering I can’t eat a lot of oil 😂. Is it same or similar to magnesium supplements because that sets my stomach. I thought cbd was hemp / majuro oil of some sort?
Yes if you swallow it, that why I suggested magnesium oil as it is transdermal and is just rubbed on your skin, completely avoided your stomach and intestines. You do not have to swallow CBD oil, if it is mixed with coconut oil or olive oil it too can be used transdermally, it is just slower at absorbing.
You need to settle your stomach and nerves not cause more irritation or upset.
Yes quite right. Someone did suggest Apple cider which is not for me. I have heard it works though. Something like that will likely set me off. Is your diet restricted? Mine is and I’ve got such cravings for sweets cake or something but avoid it, sadly. And with gluten and diary products. Even gluten free bread and biscuits cause problems!
No, with magnesium I eat everything. Sometimes I can get reflux if I make a pig of myself eating too much sweet stuff, but a spray on my arm and it settles. It really does help an awful lot with an awful lot of stuff. Get some ! Apple cider vinegar would set me off something crazy. You want alkaline foods but acidic.
I brought the oil so let’s see
Good, one spray on each forearm to start with building up slowly adding one extra spray every two weeks.
Oh i see! I’ve been spraying it a few times. Okay will start with one spray. How long does it take for it to work? I may put it on at night time?
Anytime of the day, night is good though or after a bath/shower. Will sting or itch until your body gets use to it.. It will absorb into the body within 20 minutes but will build up over time. If you spray to much on too soon you'll trigger a detox in your body and will feel a bit rough. Slowly does it and give it time to work.
Bicarbonate of soda is good have half a teaspoon in water once a day
Has an endoscope been done?
Have you been checked for the H. Pylori bacteria?
Do u have any other medical conditions?
Yes, yes and not that I know of. I will be under going a PH test to determine if it is acid reflux or not. The consultant option is that it’s caused by stress and not actual acid? Considering my teeth are ruined from the acid - his theory makes me want to get a 2nd option. I asked for another endoscopy but he said it was not needed because not much changes in a year!
What about meds? I was on Prozac and it caused me great distress.
Yes, a second opinion sounds like a great idea.
Dolphin14 asks a great question. Are you on any other medications or supplements?
Any weight loss?
I do think constant high stress and anxiety does figure in all this. Whether it's the trigger, it certainly could add to the reflux problem.
No medications but the consultant wants to put me on antidepressants to resolve alittle the acid reflux situation- apparently it helps with calming the system by 60 odd percentage?! Not on any apart from here and there - gavscon and Zantac. Supplements like Vitamins b and magisim seem to trigger it more and some probiotics, I stop all. Some probiotics that been good don’t help with my acid. This is why the consultant thinks it’s hypersensitive
Any weight loss?
I can't comment on the antidepressants. It might help since it's the doctor's assessment. But I personally don't like antidepressants as they are known to be addictive.
I'm sure you must have tried PPIs. How did that go?
Gaviscon. Given what u describe of your teeth melting acid, I wonder how effective the gaviscon is?
How did you end up taking zantac over other acid medicines?
No medication works to be honest but Zantac seems very slightly comes it down, the gavscon is quite soothing on my throat as I tend to get sore throats. Would it help with my teeth? I’ve tried everything! I’m not sure if antidepressants are additive? I don’t really want to take them because the affects are not great, with having no feelings, moods tiredness - i already have theses last thing I want is to add to it.
Proton pump inhibitors take time to work. And when they do, can be pretty damn effective.
If there is weight loss, it would be a good idea to have another endoscope for h pylori.
Sore throat. The acid's damaging your throat. Need to get this checked out asap if it's happening frequently. It can have serious consequences.
Lastly, try sleeping with your head propped up if not already doing so.
Best wishes.
The consultant would not offer me another endoscopy because he said nothing changes much in a year! I’ve explained my sore throat and he still said no. I get sore throat when I woke up in the mornings and rarely in the day. Yes I have my head popped up. I was on medication for a few months to almost half a year or so and for a few weeks and nothing. It’s the reason why his suggested it’s down to oesophageal hypersensitive caused by anxiety?
I’ve had tests last year for bugs etc and they found nothing. Weight loss was due to me being concerned with food as I couldn’t stomach it due to my acid and had anxiety about my teeth.
Got an appointment with doc this week and I will mention about another endoscopy. I also been having sharpe pains on my side and my stomach!
Why does the doctor think stress and anxiety are the causes?
Since I’ve tried every drug possible and endcoopy, herbal remedies. I have a history of anxiety. I’m going to the doctors to get a 2nd option not happy about it since next stage is ph test to see if it is acid reflux or stress related? He wants to put me on antidepressants! I wanted another endoscopy but he thought it wasn’t ‘needed’ - nothing changes in a year, he said. The nhs system is corrupted by budgets and cuts.
How does the PH test tell if it's acid reflux or stress?
Have you ever taken any medication for the anxiety?
Yes, do get a second opinion.
When will the PH test results be known?
History of anxiety.
Since you are not on medication for this, there is a high possibility your doctor might be right and the constant anxiety is causing your body to react, and in your case, it's coming out as acid reflux, serious enough its corroding your teeth.
Which brings us to antidepressants. Is this what the doctor is suggesting for the anxiety?
Did you ask the doctor if there are alternative medicines? Can beta blockers be used?
I’ve spoken with my GP today and the drug that the consultant suggested was not known well by my GP - unfortunately she couldn’t advise on it. However, given my history and an article I’ve read, I think it may help?
The PH test will take place in October and hopefully it will show up as problem with something in my throat rather than it being nothing. I’ve been advised to Get CBT treatment, which hadn’t worked previously. GP advised to get support to stop me worrying about my teeth and acid reflux- it’s impossible considering the damaged and discomfort it’s caused me!
Hey, sorry to hear what you are going thorough. I suffer with this myself, and I find drinking 3 shots if you like of Aloe vera which you can get from Holland and Barrett daily helps relieve it, also drinking lots of water and chewing gum!
Stay away from fatty foods and pastry is a no no.
Hope this can be some help
Kind regards x
I have terrible acid and I drink Kefir every day to help with the acid and the anxiety. It’s full of loads of vitamins and minerals that help balance the stomach along with easing the anxiety. I make mine at home with kefir grains but you can but it pre-made too. Hope you manage to find something that helps you xx
Im on the same boat, i feel like something gets stuck in my throat and almost passed out while and after eating. I currently take pepcid which helps a bit for the acid reflux. The anxiety is a bit harder to control.
Sorry to hear your experiencing really bad acid reflux. It sounds like your under a lot of stress and need to allow your stomach to relax. Have you tried yoga? I do feel your pain and I’m constantly trying new things to help with my anxiety. Super annoying (the acid) especially when I want to go out and eat.
Also wanted to ask, you mentioned passing out, did this come after taking medication or before?
Both. Im on 2 20mg tabs a day i think the anxiety medicine im on might conflict with it idk. But my doc said its ok..
It doesn’t sound all is well. Depends how bad your symptoms are? If it’s been going on for a few months I would ask the doctor to prescribe another of your antidepressants, maybe? Read the leaflet and see the affects. It’s your body and not the experience of the doctors; they don’t know all.
Talking of side affects...I’ve started taken acid reflux medication and every time I start again i get really bad acid reflux- does the opposite! I took it for just over 2 weeks and felt no results. And every 4-5th day it gets worse. So maybe side affects do happen in order for your body to adjust ( if it does? 🤷🏻♀️)
Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? VitD deficiency can be a cause of acid reflux. I regularly suffered with acid reflux up until recently, when my vitamin D levels were checked during a routine blood test. I was severy deficient and was prescribed a high strength dose for a month. After a couple of weeks, I realised I my acid reflux had stopped. I continue to take a medium strength vitamin D dose and haven't needed to take any acid remedies or medication since.