Exhausted: I’m going to chance taking a... - Anxiety Support

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Laniben profile image
14 Replies

I’m going to chance taking a zopiclone tonight, because I took a Circadin the night before last and it didn’t work. Last night I left it as I felt awful in the morning and throughout the day anxiety and other stuff wasnt good. Last night was terrible 😢 and I feel sick this morning, in fact for the first time I’m going to stay in bed most of the day as I feel that bad. My granddaughter was meant to be coming over and helping me move some stuff burninjust can’t handle it so I’m going to have to put her off. It’s definitely the sleep issue with me as I feel so drained and tense right now. this morning I really feel low and weepy because of all this, yet a few days ago when I’d had proper sleep I felt so different. I can’t go downstairs on the sofa I feel worse there for some reason and it’s not a big size so I can’t stretxh out. I don’t like the idea of staying in bed but I really can’t help it today. I’m so tired and worn out. 😔

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Laniben profile image
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14 Replies
Kkimm profile image

Hi Sam.

Oh I am so sorry to hear how you are feeling.

I think it is fine to stay in bed most of the day as long as you do not let yourself sleep unless just for an hour or two this morning.

You could read or listen to the radio or watch videos etc.

Perhaps by the afternoon you will feel ready to get up and do some excercise if just walking to neighbours because that will help you feel better and ready for bed tonight.

Would your granddaughter come just to visit and have a walk with you etc instead as it may cheer you up alot.

Then I agree it is a great idea to take zoplicone when going to bed at your usual time as long as you feel you are tired by then and ready to sleep. If you do find you sleep in bed during the day today and that makes you feel better that is fine but do not then take zoplicone when you go to bed tonight because your messed up pattern may mean that you do not sleep anyway and start to feel nothing will work.

It is all really difficult isn't it, I do feel for you.

You are right it is so important to get a good night's sleep but you need to follow a good sleep routine also for the zoplicone to work and not cause you problems. If you want to have a look at that reply I did you about sleep routine, I did a title for it called that in capitals , I think it was a few weeks ago.

It is so hard to go through all this on your own and to keep on coping so I really hope it all works out today and tonight for you.

All the best


Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Kkimm

Thank you, I can’t sleep in the day, I’m just resting as I have no energy right now, might put the tv on in a minute. Still feeling nauseous at the moment. Yes it might help if she comes over anyway, I messaged her and asked her to make it around 2pm. Just got myself so worked up about it which isn’t helping xx

Hollick profile image
Hollick in reply to Kkimm

Kim, I liked your comment..good advice to Laniben, not sure where you got 'Sam' from, no worries..sleep, like anything is critical for good health, mentally, physically, emotionally..exercise really promotes good sound sleep, even walking! Laniben, taking zoplicone if you really need to is okay, occasionally! If you need a day off in bed, thats fine too, just catch yourself early and turn it around again...If your circadian rhythm is out of sync, that can become a vicious circle, creating more insomnia..The problem with a lot of sleep aides is the addiction, and is doesn't take long..none of those drugs are meant to be taken for long periods of time, and most will state that..lack of sleep can really ramp up anxiety for me, but I think I've got a better handle on that..good luck..

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Hollick

Hi, my name is Sam 😊

My doctor has given me 2mg circadin now, and that seems to help a lot. Thank you for the reply

Funkyfaerie profile image

Sorry you're feeling so bad today. And especially that you have to cancel your granddaughter coming over, that's horrible and you get so cross with yourself as if you were you normal self you'd love that... I know because I've been there.

I hate mornings as I always feel shaky as I don't know what the day will bring in the form of my anxious state. I used to hate going to bed because I knew then I'd have to suffer the morning shakes again... If that makes sense?!

I would think you are getting in that same state about bed time, worrying if you will sleep and having rotten mornings.

Mine have got better, I used to have to rush to the toilet as soon as I woke up, but that doesn't happen now. I just get really nervous of my own body I suppose, crazy isn't it, but feels awful I know.

I wish I had a magic wand for all of us on here... But I think if you are suffering so much, you should go back to the doctor and tell them.. Thing is I know they can only ever offer more pills, but someone has to help you.

I did actually have some talking therapy one to one with a psychotherapist and I have to say that helped me a lot, but I did have to wait a while for an appointment. I saw him over about 6 months and he taught me how to look at things differently especially about my fear of going to bed and the mornings.

Although, yes I still suffer from other things now and I get so annoyed with it all. You get to the point where you feel you can't talk about it anymore for fear of boring people. But no one really realises how debilitating it all is!

I really hope your day gets better

❤️ xxx

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Funkyfaerie

Yes it’s true I do get worried about going to bed and sleeping, and If i worry about something during the day it stays in my mind for ages. When I slept for 3 nights on the trot I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular because it was giving me good days. Then one thing puts me out and that’s that. I think I fell asleep for a very short while at the beginning of the night, had to get up to go to the toilet and couldn’t go back to sleep til 5 then woke at just after 7. Around 7 has always been my time for waking normally, now it’s just the hours in between xx❤️

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Funkyfaerie

Hi Jen

I think that is your names isn't it. I keep reading your posts and thinking they are really helpful so thought I would say hello.

Yes I keep thinking I would like a magic wand to wave to help Sam and you and everyone feel well.

You make a really good point about how debilitating anxiety is and how we get to feel we cannot talk to our relatives and friends any more because they cannot really understand and they have heard it all before. However we do need to talk and talk as it is the only way to cope which is ofcourse why this website and everyone on it is so amazing.

Really hope you and Sam have a good day


Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Kkimm

Hi Kim,

Funny that I was thinking the same about your posts, in fact I tried to like it, but for some reason my touch screen wouldn't let me, I actually hate these phones! 😊

I really get frustrated with all my symptoms. I wake with fear, and most times I can be ok at home with just a few wobblies!

But Sunday my son came with his children and I started to freak and panic, feeling shaky and sick. We went for a walk and I thought I was going to pass out, fall over or throw up... I didn't... I don't want him to know how bad I feel as I don't want him to worry. Its crazy though as my mind must have done that to me... It's very clever!

I don't take any drugs really, only the odd 2mg diazepam and an antisickness pill when needed. Sunday I didn't have any of these with me and although I felt dreadful, I was OK..

How do we change the mind?!

Hope you have an OK day too.

Jen x

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Funkyfaerie

Hi Jen

Thanks for your reply. So sorry to hear about how you felt when your son arrived with the children. It is really strange but you have described almost exactly how I used to feel when in very stressful situations. Not a panic attack, but suddenly feeling incredibly ill dizzy and sick with a sense of doom as well at their worst, but certainly no fear of panic. Sorry you do not feel able to tell your son. I can talk it all through with my adult daughter and she is great but my partner finds it very hard to understand so I often did not tell him. Strangely the most stressful situations were just the things I would have loved the most such as going out walking with my partner and daughter when she came for a visit, before I became ill with generalised anxiety disorder and depression two years ago. I never get these attacks at all now.

how long ago did you first become ill and what do you think was the trigger for you if you do not mind me asking? Did you feel much worse at first and have now improved? If you prefer not to say or would rather message, that is fine. Sorry to ask all these questions it is just that I have not come across anyone who described what sounds like the same sort of attacks I used to get.

I became ill very suddenly after having been quite outgoing and confident and not really an anxious person at all. It followed a bereavement in looking my mother, work stress and a fall out with my sister. We had had quite a difficult relationship with our father as he was a cold and quite a critical parent until he died around 15 years ago and I think we have both been dealing with the impact of it all our lives. The final trigger was a health scare however for which I later got the all clear.

My very best wishes


Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Kkimm

I have sent you a message, as it is a bit on the long side 😊

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Funkyfaerie

Spoken to my granddaughter and told her to come over anyway, said I might be quiet and feeling sick on and off but I’d sooner have her company than be here on my own, so she’s coming when she’s ready. I still feel terrible but she knows that. Still shaky, more so with the tiredness today I think. OH for this to go and have my normal sleep pattern back 🙏🏻

Sam xx

Hollick profile image
Hollick in reply to Funkyfaerie

So true Funky, afraid that you'll lose ppl you cherish, cuz they don't want to hear it any longer, like us, their tired of hearing it..its frightens us even more than we're already feeling..

Jaxs050783 profile image


Zop will give you a good nights sleep.

Take it for a few days to try and get a sleep routine.

Thinking of you


Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Jaxs050783

Thank you Tony I think I will now


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