I Slept but not what I needed, but the top part of my legs feel really weak. I took 2mg Circadin last night to help relax but it didn’t do much, and my legs felt like it last night too and still feel do now. The Only way I can describe it is as if my legs are in relax/sleep mode but the rest of me isn’t. I can stand and I’m not shaky but they do feel weird? the only reason i took the Circadin was because that’s what I’d taken 3 nights ago and although I have had Zopiclone prior to that I didn’t know whether it would have been ok to kind of mix them. I do still feel tired, but can’t go back to sleep for a while because I’ve tried, just lying in bed at the moment don’t know whether it’s best to just get up and get dressed? And as usual because I’ve had broken sleep I feel the nausea building up.
Legs : I Slept but not what I needed, but... - Anxiety Support

Hi Sam,
I feel like my legs are shaky on the inside, not any physical shaking you can see. I had this Sunday when my son came to visit... so annoyed me, I carried on though as I didn't want him and his family to see how bad and wobbly I was, I don't think they did.
I would try and get up, make your breakfast and sit on the sofa, you will be OK, even though I agree it is a horrible frightening feeling. Do you think the nausea is coming because you are starting to get anxious... xx
It’s coming because of that yes but it’s mainly because I’m not sleeping my proper quota of sleep, and I worry about that too don’t ask me why xx
Really sorry to hear that.
Perhaps you can check with your doctor when you could use zoplicone again after your other med.
I remember strange feelings in my legs sometimes. I am sure it will pass. I have a numb are on one shin which had been there for months. Turns out it is a trapped nerve and nothing to do with anxiety.
I think one problem is we can over focus on symptoms we could get anyway and it makes them worse. Better to try not to focus on these things but that is easier said than done.
Best wishes
Yes I do focus on it when I know I should try not to. Ive been on my own all weekend as well that hasn’t helped, I do hate it to be honest. My family have had things to do and work etc, but the lonely feeling does get to me. I think that if I did something with someone that’s what helps distract my attention but when noones around it’s not so good.
Sam x