Very Restless night: Didn’t have such a good... - Anxiety Support

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Very Restless night

Laniben profile image
14 Replies

Didn’t have such a good night last night, been good last 3 nights, and as usual because I couldn’t get to sleep I started worrying about it which I always seem to do, which I know doesn’t help, so anxious this morning and a little shaky inside, I keep dozing here and there then wake up with a start/jolt, then the more I try to go back to sleep I can’t, the anxiousness is in my chest, not palps or anything just anxious nerves if that makes sense?

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Laniben profile image
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14 Replies
Kkimm profile image

Hi Sam

Sorry to hear you got your sleep problem last night. Do you take zoplicone every night now or are you sleeping without it?


Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Kkimm

I haven’t had it for quite a while as the doctor gave me Circadin but I haven’t had that either for several nights as I didn’t need it. I think it’s mainly because I just start worrying about if I can’t go right off for a while and that sets the pattern?


Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Laniben


Sounds like you are doing really well with sleeping most of the time then. Can you use it or your other medication when you need it such as last night?

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Kkimm

I could but it could be well into the night before I realise and I’m not sure if you can take them that late? I Never used to have trouble before this and never taken sleeping aids until the last month or so?

Nobster profile image

Perfect sense. Regards to your sleeping have you tried to sleep in the fetal position ? It’s kind of on your side Witt your arms and legs tucked in. This gives you an increased chance of sleep as it reverts your mind to the days before you knew what the world had to offer.

With anxiety trying to fall a sleep on your back seems to be quite difficult.

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Nobster

I do sleep on my side, I cant go to sleep on my back. I do tend to sort of curl up but then my legs get hot so I have to have them uncovered but that’s most nights anyway

Jaxs050783 profile image

My anxiety is worse as soon as I wake up especially like you if I have had a rubbish nights sleep.

Kkimm profile image

I only ever gave myself a couple of hours to try to sleep then used the zopiclone and got a really good night's sleep straight away. By doing this it stops you getting into the cycle of worry about not being able to sleep which will then perhaps stop you sleeping even after you have taken zopiclone. I never had a problem taking the zopiclone at 1.00 instead of 11.00 when first going to bed. I always woke up in morning OK, or infact not that OK as I felt grim in the morning whether or not took zoplicone whilst ill.

It was always there for me to fall back on so I never got worried about sleep once it was available to me.

However I do know it is critical not to get hooked on them so if you feel that will not work for you do not try to go down that route incase it is a slippery slope for you. In my case as I said I needed to use them every night for about 3 months and was very strict with myself not to exceed the dose ever. Often I only took half a dose. My fall back position was that if I could not sleep after a full dose I would never exceed and would instead have a sleepless night but I never had to do this and was able to stop easily after 3 months. That way I got good sleep all the way through the worst of my illness which was very important to aiding recovery.

I know it is really difficult to decide how best to handle it for you and you may feel you are doing well enough not to use zoplicone at all. You did after all sleep 3 nights well. I was just explaining how it worked for me.

Life can seem such hard work when we are ill, so I really feel for you. I can reassure you that it does get so much easier as you recover.

Very best wishes


Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Kkimm

Thank you Kim, I might try one tonight. I just stretched out on the sofa and was listening to a new meditation which has made

Me feel heavy headed, it didn’t say it was a sleep one just relaxing but not sure it’s suited me unless it’s because I’m tired.

I really feel like going back to bed even for just an hour not sure what do to to be honest. It’s either that or have a shower. And nausea sets in a bit when I haven’t slept properly which I haven’t had for a little While.

So confusing as to what to do, can’t seem to get myself together this

Morning. Xx

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to Kkimm

It Feels like someone is standing on the top of my head, it’s not

Nice x

Jaxs050783 profile image

I have taken zopiclone in the past and it’s true you’ll sleep like a baby.

Feeling grotty in the morning after use is controversial as I think it depends on your mental state at the time.

A good nights sleep is crucial when you are suffering as it’s extremely exhausting dealing with it.

butterfly_38 profile image

"the anxiousness in my chest, not palps or anything just anxious nerves if that makes sense?"

That makes perfect sense to me as it is how I feel when I am suffering. Just a really nervous fluttery feeling in my chest but it's not palps. It is the adrenaline we have produced that we don't need that makes us feel like this. There are so many possible symptoms of producing too much adrenaline and this is definitely one I 'm suffering with at the moment. My legs also feel like Jelly. I keep telling myself it is just the anxiety and it will pass....

Laniben profile image
Laniben in reply to butterfly_38

Yes that’s exactly it. Once I start worrying about things more that’s when it makes it all worse, I do try not to, but doesn’t always work does it

butterfly_38 profile image
butterfly_38 in reply to Laniben

no it doesn't always work. I get anxiety from worrying about getting anxiety - it is a viscous circle. I suffered badly when I was about 23 and was ok for years (used to get it a little bit every so often but it was manageable) and now at 38 it has got bad again. I know what has triggered it but it is so hard to break the cycle once it starts. Just keep thinking if i have done it once before I can do it again. Have you tried youtube videos at night when you can't sleep? I have been watching 'The anxiety guy' on youtube recently and it has really helped me. What he talks about is so relatable. Helps you feel like you are not going mad. I'm also starting mindfullness therapy tomorrow... I heard that is supposed to be really good for anxiety, worries and stress...

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