Having some worry over chickenpox, I am 17 and have never had it. I've come into contact with it through early years of school, and my sister caught it when we were younger. While she had it I sat next to her for a car journey that was quite a few hours and we shared a room on holiday. I didn't catch it though, or there was no visible symptoms, no itching or spots. Is it possible I could be immune already or can you catch it without displaying symptoms? I know it's much worse as an adult so I'm worrying that I'm going to get it.
Worry over chickenpox: Having some worry... - Anxiety Support
Worry over chickenpox
Im sorry you feel so worried about catching chickenpox. Have you worried excessively about catching anything else in the past?
I've really struggled with health anxiety, so I often worry about little things turning into big things (headache=brain tumour and similar things). But yeah if someone is sick I really need to stay away as the excessive worry about catching it is too much. I've come to understand that not everything is going to land me in hospital but it's difficult sometimes.
I understand. Worry and fear can come in many forms. I could talk you out of fearing chickenpox but I dont think that will help you. I think your best bet is to speak to a counselor or a therapist about the excessive worrywhen it comes to illnesses.
Please know you are not alone! Millions of people suffer like this. You are young. You can work through this with a professional and you will be just fine.
Good luck. You will be ok.
Thank you, I will look into therapy for help as I know it will help me get over this. I appreciate the kind words, I do have hope that my future won't be consumed by this worry. Thanks once again and I hope wellness comes your way too.
The answer to your 2 questions are: Yes and yes. Have you been vaccinated? It's called the Varicella vaccine and it's extremely effective at preventing Chicken Pox. Is it available where you live? If yes, you can get it at any age. IT's a series of 2 shots. The 2nd dose would be given 4 weeks after the first at your age (Source: CDC catch up recommendations) If you haven't had the shot, think you're immune via exposure without symptoms but want to be sure, there is a titer (via blood test) to determine immune status.
The bigger issue is of course your anxiety focusing so much on keeping you safe from perceived health threats. I feel your pain in all of that and I'm wondering if you are getting some good help for your excessive worry? Hugs!
Hello! Thanks for the advice, I live in the U.K. so vaccinations aren't routine for chickenpox. I believe the vaccine is available for adults however the NHS website says it's really only given to those who will be in contact with those with weak immune systems, which doesn't apply to me. I would like to check my immunity but needles are quite a big anxiety source for me so I need to work on that for myself. Regarding the second part, I have been to the doctor for anxiety but I'm not currently receiving any form of help, I wasn't sure how I'd be with taking medication too. But thanks again, I will look more into the vaccine. Much love !