It’s 5:30 here and have been jolted awake with a racing pounding heart and feeling of pure fear as I do every morning after a night full of is particularly bad and my heart is going crazy.feel so panicky.i have so much on my mind at the moment and I hate how I seem to deal with it all physically.I’m just trying to breathe.i hate anxiety so much.
Panic: It’s 5:30 here and have been jolted... - Anxiety Support

So sorry to hear this. Does this happen every morning ? What do the doctors say?
I’m so sorry to hear that your anxiety is at a peak right now. Please know that you’ve probably already experienced the worst it can do to you. Over time and with effort and acceptance, it will get better.
I know how you feel I had the same last night woke up with stomach pains then I panicked. Went all faint and sweaty such a horrible feeling x
I so understand your "pure fear"....I never describe my "issue" as anxiety. I try so hard to "think myself positive" but it's a no go. My #1 fear each day is death. It is on my mind constantly. It terrifies me. Today I thought "worrying about pending death is the same as worrying about it it's going to rain" IS going to happen, there is NOTHING we can do to control either one, so WHY am I wasting life with this fear????? Now I'm developing anxiety or fear when I go out i. e. the mall, getting groceries etc. I will feel fear then faint, then "what if". All such nonsense but so over powering. We have to keep battling.