I don’t know if it’s aniexty, depression or something else at this point...one day I wake up just fine no symptoms no anything. Next morning I wake up to chest pain, palpitations, shortness in breath, fatigue, sad...etc. Tired of visiting my doctor, tired go going to the ER & just completely tired of feeling this way. Medicine makes me feel even worse I just lost right now & don’t know what to do. Any suggestions or recommendations will help thank you.
Confused!!!: I don’t know if it’s aniexty... - Anxiety Support
Hi. I know exactly what you mean. I have the same worries and fears and I have experienced all the symptoms you said and many many more. I had my share of numerous doctors visits and still feeling helpless. I still do from time to time. I took meds once and quit. So I have been trying to conquer this journey without resulting to meds. Sometimes I feel like I'm glad I've managed without and alot of times I wonder if I'm making a mistake by not giving meds a chance and that I'm making my progress slower and more debilitating because of not wanting to. But so far I am dealing without it and really would like to keep it that way. I constantly pray pray pray when I've had my worst of days and I will continue to. I believe prayer still works.
I also want to share with you that I'm on YouTube and that I post videos about my anxiety struggles and fears. And if you'd like check them out. I'm actually talking about exactly what you were saying. I hope it may help in some way to see that you are not alone and also to see the person, see who I am as I talk about my struggle. 😊 wish you the best
Have you ever had blood tests to check out your Thyroid Function?
Ask your GP for the following :
TPO and TgAb (Thyroid Antibodies ) ; FreeT3, FreeT4, Total T4 and TSH
Also ask for some nutrients levels to be tested :
Vitamin D, Calcium, Vitamin B12, Folate and Ferritin.
You could ask for a Full Blood Count too.
Anxiety is not nice
Maiby there is stress ?
Talk too you doc otherwise
I don't know that you have a benzo ? Or something when it get worse