Are Physical symptoms common with anxiety? I get fast heart beat, and chest pressure/pain.
Physical symptoms?: Are Physical symptoms... - Anxiety Support
Physical symptoms?

Yes! Physical symptoms are VERY common with anxiety. It’s amazing how powerful anxiety is on the body. The feelings aren’t fun but know that they aren’t anything serious and it’s normal to feel this way with anxiety. I’ve found that regular exercise helps me the most.

Thank you Rose❤

I did have a rough day couple days ago that made my chest hurt bad and my heart race
Yes, anxiety expresses itself physically including the symptoms you've mentioned. Now, if you're having chest pain and have not been checked by a doctor recently, you need to do that. But once other problems are ruled out (which is most likely), yep - it's just anxiety.
My chest has mostly stopped, should I still go to the doctor?
Hi Lindsey. If you were having a heart problem it wouldn't 'get better', so that probably means it's anxiety. Only you know exactly how you feel so if you need to see a doctor to get solid answers then you certainly should.