What's the most common physical symptom of anxiety for each of you? How do you deal with it?
Physical symptoms of anxiety!: What's the... - Anxiety Support
Physical symptoms of anxiety!

For me its a sudden feeling or wave starting in my stomach then moved to my chest. Heart races mind races & gets foggy, vision blurrs. Hands & feet get sweaty & cold. But it passes & it will become less frequent in time. You'll see
Hi Beth1982. for me it's being of feeling constantly on edge, questioning myself , can't ever relax properly, etc
There's a very good list of them below . (Scroll down)
All the best to you.
For me it's the tight throat (lump feeling) dizziness, tense muscles, jelly legs, numbness, headaches.
Hi Beth, as described above I get that feeling in my stomach moving up to my chest and shoulder, it's like a burning/pins & needles. Then I get really agitated and have to move around. However, over this weekend I still get the feeling but less frequent so maybe the meds are starting to work.....hopefully.
Mine is lightheaded/dizzy/off balance its awful. I don't deal with it well to be honest
Does anyone deal with heart flutters and headaches?
Yeah my heart is goin today along with the chest your head aches r probable coming from the tension x
'Today myns is my chest and heart my chest has this horrible feelin and I just never no of its real r in ur head ... bloody nytmare
My everyday symptoms are dizziness, headaches, fullness in the chest/throat, an tired all the time..
Hi. My symptoms are now just tension headaches, dizziness and stiff neck. I did get advice on here that putting a hot pack on my neck will help with the tension and dizziness and it did. Can't wait til this dizziness episode passes. I can't tell you how many symptoms I've had already, it's ridiculous. Anxiety sucks!
Hi there, do you still have the dizziness and stiff neck ? as it changed in the last few months ? any advice on how to get rid of it ?
I agree!
For me a think am going to die all time our just pass out scary not on medication as it makes me wourse waiten to go to anxiety classes just scared to go to hospital in case thay say iam going to die think its got to point a have convinced ma self iam am wrighting this and a think am going to die to