Girls? : Does anyone find their anxiety... - Anxiety Support

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masa2333 profile image
68 Replies

Does anyone find their anxiety increases prior to their period? And physical symptoms also (catching breath, heart racing)?Or I’m going nuts!

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masa2333 profile image
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68 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Yes I did too. I am long past that stage of my life now (thank goodness) but did notice that in the 24 hours preceeding my period I would lose all emotional control. I would do things like bursting into tears and accusing people of harassing me. My emotional brakes were gone. x

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to hypercat54

I’m so happy for you. Congrats on overcoming it! :)❤️

I’m an emotional wreck 10 days before my period. I experienced PMS symptoms before too, like an increased appetite, mood swings, crying, being irritated by everything ect. But now with panic disorder it seems even worse because alongside those symtpoms there is also increased anxiety present so I’m really going nuts!😨

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to masa2333

Oh age takes care of most things... Maybe your doctor could help? x

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to hypercat54

He did put me on antidepressants and they work okay for me, they did set me free of a lot physical symptoms of anxiety. However, last night I had heart racing again and feeling like I need to catch my breath and these past days I experienced PMS symtpoms because my period is coming soon, so I was wondering if anxiety increases before period and is it normal to have those physical symtoms again. I will talk to psychologist, because I can’t have a normal discussion with any doctor, as all they say is “it’s just your anxiety, you need to calm down”. And it isn’t easy to calm down... :)

masa2333 profile image

It’s soooo frustrating! :(

masa2333 profile image

So, so frustrating. I also have Hashimoto’s so add panic disorder and PMS into it and you get an emotional fearfull tired wreck!

On my period and about a week before my period my anxiety is unbelievably bad. :(

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to

Honestly it’s unbearable...feel so bad

HVThom profile image

Yes. Right before and right after.

I am “PMSing” now and will be for 5 days and my anxiety just started getting bad today.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to HVThom

The worst :(

Tinahubbell2 profile image

i get this way too and its the worst.i hate anxiety!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Tinahubbell2

I feel you! :(

Whowho124 profile image

I get soooo dizzy off balanced before and after !!!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Whowho124

Dizzines, back pain, tinnitus, mood swings ... disaster!!

Princesspeach84 profile image

I definitely believe anxiety levels are linked to our hormones. I was first experienced anxiety when I first started taking depo provera. It's a fighting battle!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Princesspeach84

I already have Hashimoto’s so I’m on thyroid hormones replacement therapy ... but I’ve had it for so long and was doing well with it... now that + panic disorder - just great! :(

Jessielove profile image

Yes! Before, During, and after my cycle for about a week and a half every month my anxiety increases drastically. Breathing is heavier than usual, heart palpitations is terrifying, i get the most intense headaches.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Jessielove

I’m just glad that we can relate and to know that I’m not going crazy! Despite medications, I feel terrible. Hope it goes away when period comes🙏

reinagrace profile image

yes depression and anxiety always worse about 7 or 8 days before my period. So i've learned, do not make big decisions in that week, and try to be very aware of not expressing extreme anger and realize i may be over-reacting sometimes bc of pms. just try not to take on extra stress at that time and pace yourself.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to reinagrace

Yes, I had PMS before so I know mine usually starts 10 days before a period with well known symptoms of mood swings, sleepiness, increased appetite, bloating, I just cry and feel the pain all over me. Gross.

That’s a good tehnique, not making any plans in the week before.

Janey1983 profile image

Oh my days, mine is awful before my period and once I have come on its like a relief!!!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Janey1983

It’s so good to hear that this is a common problem. I honestly thought that I was getting worse. Ugh it sucks!!

Ifs23 profile image

Yes, about a week before my period I would get feelings of anxiety, heart racing etc then after i started my period they would go. It's so awful to go through!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

It truly is! Like one night I went to the toilet and my heart started racing like crazy and when I was back in bed I felt like I needed do fight for breathe... I just can’t wait my period to come so these feelings go away!

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

I know the feeling! I began to have anxious thoughts about life and I couldn't even sleep a few days ago, I was just lying awake at 2am! Me too, supposed to be due today I was getting cramps yesterday so mine should be coming soon

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

Oh I bother with sleep pattern for the last 15-20 days... I can’t fall asleep untill 5 or 6 AM! And then just sleep through the day... awful. Mine is supposed to come in 5 days 🙏 I hope your comes today and those feeling pass and you start feeling back to normal asap! :)

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

My sleep pattern is exactly the same!! I wish our sleep pattern was normal, it would make things easier! I fall asleep during the day too! First I assumed that winter affected my sleep pattern because we had darker nights. I've even had to take a few days off work because I feel so exhausted and I hope so too! 😊

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

Yeeeess God I felt much more fresh and better when I woke up at 8 or 9 am and go to sleep at a decent time... now it’s just like I go through the puberty all over again but instead this time I beeeeg for sleep! 😂 tell me about it, I couldn’t go to college classes this week because I literally could not wake up that early!

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

I completely agree with you girl! I feel exactly the same way! Waking up early feels so good but now it just feels so hard to do!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

Omg yesss!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

I just saw that you also have thyroid issues. I am diagnosed with Hashimoto’s so I think it affects us because od the thyroid even more

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

Yes I've been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism since I was 18 which was 2 years ago. I agree, I think thyroid issues also play a big part in how we feel

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

Oh I am 21 now but been struggling with Hashimoto’s since I was 9. A bit early I guess. Yes, thyroid hormones affect your metabolism and mood in so many ways

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

How are you managing your hashimoto symptoms? Do you still have to see endo? I haven't been monitored for 6 months and when me and the gp enquire with the hospital, they just say I'm on a waiting list. And so true, thyroid really does have an influence on moods and metabolism! Some days I feel like eating alot, other days I don't

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Ifs23

Well on summer I feel great, I lose my appetite and slim down, eat healthy, walk and swim a lot, and so on. Winter, on the other side, is just me hibernating! I put on a bunch of weight, can’t move a lot, always sleepy and tired, eating like craZy...those classic Hashi’s symtpoms. But this winter I was tested for vitamin and mineral deficiency for the first time and I am extremely deficient in Vit D, ferritin and my vit B is low, so I started supplementing and hope maybe that will help.

Other than that, I really never did pay special attention to it, I just took my medication and that’s it. But as I’m older, I try to care more.

I see my endo every 6 months usually. She sometimes ask me to come sooner, like in 3 months or so. When my GP don’t reffer me to her, I go privately. I live in small town and it costs only €30 to see endo privately

Ifs23 profile image
Ifs23 in reply to masa2333

I lose my appetite in summer too. But in winter it's exactly the opposite. And yes sometimes in winter, your vitamin D levels can plummet causing us to feel a rubbish as there's not enough sunlight during this time of the year. Hopefully the vitamins will help :)

Ahh right I see, at least you get to see your endo regularly and you're being monitored closely.

I've been feeling anxious, tired and really achy recently. I haven't had a blood test since August so I'm going to contact the GP tomorrow to tell them what's going on because I really don't like feeling this way.

The few days before my period, I'm become paranoid, emotional and tearful. It's scary lol

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to

I feel you girl! 🙏

Lm92 profile image

Mine definitely does. The week of my period, I have to increase my Lexapro by 5 mg. I also get tons of heart palpitations during and just after. Stupid hormones!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Lm92

It is so baaaad .. I already struggled with PMS symptoms before but now with panic disorder it’s like I wait everyday for something soooo scary and horrible to happen and my body is in fight or flight mode. I should also increase Seroxat tomorrow. i’m a bit scarried though if there will be any side effects of increasing the dose but hope it helps me further with this panic disorder journey

Lm92 profile image
Lm92 in reply to masa2333

Definitely speak to the doctor who prescribed it first. I didn't increase the dosage until my psychiatrist suggested to try it and see if it might help.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Lm92

Yes, she told me to increase it a week ago but I just delayed out of fear...

Definitely!I always find it difficult to catch my breath when I'm having my period..and it's so annoying because my anxiety amps up as well!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to keptainicandozatt

I understand... soooo soooo awful feeling. I’m going through it now and I feel like it’s not my body I’m in. I hope medications will eventually help🙏

keptainicandozatt profile image
keptainicandozatt in reply to masa2333

And I always find it difficult to sleep when I'm extra I just take melatonin supplements before heading to bed. I do hope you'll feel better soon!It's definitely a frustrating ordeal :(

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to keptainicandozatt

Yes I in fact do have problems with sleep. Cannot fall asleep untill 5 or 6 AM and then I sleep ‘till 2 PM like a teenage in puberty lol. Today I had to wake up for psychologist appointment and I’m struggling with this sleepy feeling but trying to stay awake and start changing this sleep pattern... I already take Xanax before bed and also Magnesium to help me relax but it’s still a struggle! Thank you and I wish you all the best! :)

You're welcome!:) If you do feel like talking, I'm all ears!Struggling with sleep is what I dread the most, because then it just..snowballs from therd. I've tried aromatherapy oils,but unfortunately,it only works sometimes. Here's hoping you manage to power through today!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to keptainicandozatt

Thank you, same goes for you! I’m always happy to talk and share some useful tips hopefully :)

I was trying some sleep hypnosis from youtube and it worked quite well but then one night it didn’t work and I just stopped listening to it. Will give it a try again tho. Maybe you can look it up and see if it’s of any help. Thanks dear! ❤️

Jamie5 profile image

Yes I have noticed that! This cycle has been particularly bad. I have been having multiple panic attacks a day before and during it. I’ve also been short of breath/hyperventilating and getting heart palpitations. On top of that I also had a 4 day migrane. I could barely get through the week so far, I’m hoping today will be a better day.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Jamie5

I am just glad that it isn’t just in my head, cause I would always get a response “All the girls go through it without that many complaints and suffer as you”... yeah right.

I’m so sorry that you’ve been feeling like this too. It’s so scary, especially if you have health anxiety :( I always think of the worst. My hopes are with you, I wish you feel better🙏

Mel6755 profile image
Mel6755 in reply to masa2333

Hi all, may I ask does your chest pain increase when your period comes?

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Mel6755


Jamie5 profile image
Jamie5 in reply to masa2333

When people say that it makes me feel so guilty for not being able to function normally on those days. I also always think the worst. Thank you so much, I’m feeling a little better today.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Jamie5

I relate. Glad you’re better. Hope it stays that way

IBS_Problems profile image

Yes! Defently

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to IBS_Problems


taylorj75 profile image

I just started acupuncture for my anxiety, the lady is treating my hormones, so far so good. This week will be a big test as it's the week before my period when my anxiety is at its worse, headaches, palpations and the feeling of terror!

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to taylorj75

I’m glad you found relief in acupuncture! I wish you all the luck for this week and hope it helps🙏

I totally feel you for those symptoms :(

JAZZY_JAZZY profile image

i am the same way i feel all of those things it drives me nuts

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to JAZZY_JAZZY


Daniellesparkles profile image


Icanbeathis2016 profile image

Yes most definitely. Some months are worst than others. And sometimes it seems like it's ever changing as far as what yo expect from these symptoms and then half the time I can never tell if its anxiety, PMS, or if I really am sick with something.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Exactly... does it ever affect your period in terms of duration, flow, clots etc?

Icanbeathis2016 profile image

I cant say for sure if its anxiety that affects my period or if it could be a hormonal imbalance, which I heard it said that unbalanced hormones can cause erratic things to us as far as our menustral. I'm still gonna research more into that as well. But I will say that lately my symptoms and pms have been erratic the last several months such as one month my flow is my usual heavy flow and for 5 days. Then the next month it may be 4 days and not so heave at all. Then I've had where itll come 3 days early than I expected. Later than I expected. One month I'll have my usual tender and swollen breast a week before, then another month it didn't swell or feel sore at all. This month it seems as if my breast stayed swollen from my last period and never went down to its actual size and now my menustral is due in about 5 days and its tender again. It's like my pms symptoms lasted all month it never went away after my menstrual went off last month. I have noticed I'll feel dizziness and off balancing too from month to month. Then I also notice a few months in a row I spotted or had a little sign of blood show as if my period is about to flow but then it wont actually come until about 3 days later and then the next time it came on with no sign on blood or spotting until it actually was coming on. Then one month I'm cramping mild and one month my first two days are heavy cramps. Plus all sorts of symptoms that anxiety feels like happens a day or two before it comes on. So I dont know what to think. I've began to journal about my cycles to keep a note on it.

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

I understand you, I also have horrible PMS every month that starts 10-15 days before my period and it has all the symptoms you can imagine...extreme appetite increase, headache, tender and swollen breasts, swollen stomach and body, mood swings, irritability... plus all the anxiety symptoms. A receipt for disastrous days. I just started medications and this is my second month of being diagnosed with panic disorder so I still don’t know about it long-term, but I definitely had a really strange came 3 days before, had blood clots and heavy flow. I was really worried if that is normal.

Thank you on the journal idea, it sounds good! Wish you all the best

Icanbeathis2016 profile image

You're welcome. Yes I've been journaling like the past year about my cycle and symptoms cuz I simply dont know if it's from pms or something else is wrong. So at least from time to time I look back at my journals and it does help ease my mind from time to time. I wish you the best too. If I haven't already, I'd like to share my broadcast endeavor with you. I'll be posting videos that discuss our fears and anxiety and what I've been through also share tips and words of encouragement. Just another platform for those who struggle to face the fears and phobias. So I get to show who I am. 😊 Check it out if you can

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Thank you I will check it out :) good luck

Darryl profile image

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