Hey guys. So I’m currently very healthy and am in my young twenty’s. For about a week now I have been convinced I’m going to die soon and that maybe god is telling me this. I cry now all the time and am so scared to do anything. I see people I love and start crying because I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. I’m scared I’m going to die in a freak accident or a brain bleed. I can’t even think about the future because I’m afraid I will not be here. When I pray it doesn’t help I’m afraid once god hears me pray and calms me down he will then let me die. Please give me some tips for this and thoughts of encouragement. Also pray I live a long and happy life and that this goes away.
Anxiety need help : Hey guys. So I’m... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety need help

Have you been stressed out recently? Has there been any trigger for the feelings you experience? It might be a good idea to talk to the therapist or someone you can confide in. I am managing my panic disorder a whole lot better since going to psychologist. You just have to understand that everything you feel is a normal reaction your body makes when under stress or panic. I’ve been struggling with it a lot, and now I’m on medications for panic disorder, and feel a slight relief.
I know how you feel, I’ve been there! Don’t be afraid of death because god will take care of you in the end. You aren’t going to die, I believe that’s the anxiety talking to you.
I recommend reading the book live fearless by Sadie Robertson
it’s a great book and could help you.
Here’s a daily devotion for today
“You might be thinking That you deserve a problem free life. But that is simply not true. You want an answer to every problem you face. But that will not happen. Just as I told my disciples, in this world you will have trouble! If you walk with Me, I won’t promise you a problem free life but I will promise you a problem free enternity.
Stop wasting your energy wishing that everything was perfect. Instead, pour your energy into seeking the Lord: the perfect one. He is the light in a dark world. When everything is going wrong, trust him with all your heart. When everything seems dark and confusing— that is when his light shines brightest.”
Here are some verses that have helped me and maybe could help you out too
John 14:1
Psalm 112:7
Psalm 28:7
Psalm 91:11
Jeremiah 31:25
Hi Monkeygirl18
Please talk to someone you trust, and please see your GP as soon as possible.
It's horrible to feel like this and it's important to ask for help. It's not a sign of weakness.
Please talk to your GP as soon as they're open. There's help for anxiety, don't suffer alone.
Sending you a big hug.
As you are young and healthy, it’s extremely unlikely that you’re going to die anytime soon. Anxiety is a thief. If you think a thought, it does not mean that it’s true or going to happen. Anxiety and worry just takes away your present happiness
I know the worries seem 100% real as I have anxiety too but I bet if you could see yourself in another 20 years you’d see that you have nothing to worry about.
Hi monkey Girl I’m dealing with new changes this year and to leave behind what I hung unto the past to make it the Spirt is life this is a performance world and very demanding to keep up with everyone I’m starting a series on Creflo Dollar your identity in Christ we need to know who we are or we will lose who we are
I’m so glad that you are crying out to God. I know what it is like to battle spiritual battles. The battle is for real! And it doesn’t feel good when you are going through it. I just dealt with this, myself, last week. The Bible teaches us how to go into combat against those feelings.
In Romans 12:2 the Word says the following: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Ephesians 6:10-17 tells you how to equip yourself for the battle. This is great scripture to memorize.
Renew your mind…speak the truth to yourself. You are a child of the Lord and the enemy does not have power over your mind. I believe that the Lord has great plans for you. The Lord has not given you a spirit of FEAR, but a sound mind. This is where reading the Bible and memorizing scripture really helps you. I pray that you feel better and stand strong.