I have been dealing with anxiety for over two months. I have had all the test done on my heart and doctors have told me that I’m ok and that my heart is good. I haven’t been able to sleep good because I’m always worrying about my heart. I keep thinking that something in my heart has changed in two months. I don’t know what to do.
My heart: I have been dealing with anxiety... - Anxiety Support
My heart

i had a very strong panic attack a few years ago in my doctors office. It was the first time that I really showed her that side of me. She immediately listened to my heart and I felt like I was going to die. I said I am going to the hospital and she said.. do you want to? (kidding). She set me up for a test of my heart function. I went (scared) and had them run the cold probe on my heart and I was so nervous. The technician even said you are beating fast. She then let me listen and did something that probably wasnt suppose to.. she said this is what a normal hearbeat sounds like.. meaning I was ok. My follow up with my doctor proved that I was ok and should just stay on blood pressure meds and xanax. The reason I share this with you is to let you know that you are not alone. I sometimes still think about that scary situation of not knowing about my heart and I still worry about every unusual beat or sign of discomfort. I have learned that I need to relax, breathe and try and distract myself from it. IF it goes away its probably anxiety. In general, we are very sensitive to our body sensations and unfortunately the slightest tension can through us off. I am not telling you to ignore your body, but please let yourself rest and recover.
Thank you for your reply. I try and tell myself that the doctors wouldn’t tell me that I’m ok if I wasn’t. I have had a EKG blood work CT scan echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test all came back normal. I keep thinking that something in my heart has changed since I had the test done.
I have panic and health anxiety bad! I get flushed feel weak and then feel ashamed after. Its a roller coaster of good days and days where im sure im dying. Its like I need to worry about something as the illness changes for me all the time.
Panic attacks have plagued my life for many years. Just recently they are back with a vengeance. It is hard to fathom that the symptoms we feel are anything short of something horribly wrong. I constantly feel like crap but I keep telling myself that even if there is something drastically wrong i am going to fight my way through the hell. I will not let my fear overcome me. I have found that YouTube videos on anxiety hypnosis help. My prayers are with you and hope this helps. Your not alone!
Please purchase the book dare by Barry mcdonogh. He is amazing and coaches through all these health fears especially heart scares. I know what you're feeling, I felt like that in the beginning but you have to keep yourself busy. He has a live Facebook group too where you can talk to others who experience the same. Its life changing!