Not new here but first time posting 😇 - Anxiety Support

Anxiety Support

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Not new here but first time posting 😇

7 Replies

Hello everyone! My name is Diamond 💎. I’ve been signed up since 2016 but I haven’t posted yet until now. So wanted to introduce (:

Well I’m 25 currently, had my first panic attack in 2016.

My fears at the moment revolve around my heart for the most part. I think this is the worst fear I’ve had to date, I mean the physical sensations I get has me thinking heart attack is coming almost every single day 😔 numb left arm, pain under left breast etc. I’ve had 2 EKG’s and blood work while I thought I was having a heart attack and they showed nothing, plus I as far as I know I have no heart issues that run in the family, I guess the thought of having a heart attack scares me is because having a heart attack at a young age is pretty rare, BUT it’s not unheard of either.

Well I live alone 95% of the time besides when my boyfriend visits, so it would be nice to have people to talk to. I play Xbox One, I like to read, Eat and watch movies, so I’m open to talking about anything or gaming together, if you need someone to private message, any age, or sex is welcome (: thank you !

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7 Replies

Hey Diamond,

Welcome back or welcome aboard....this place is amazing for support. First and foremost, I wanted to let you know you're not alone. The first panic attack I had, I thought it was a heart attack. I was 17, so it seems crazy to me now at 35 when I'm at least entering an age group where the risks are higher. Now, I struggle with the same issues....every anxiety/panic attack seems and feels like it could be my heart. I've nearly left work several times in an ambulance. So far, I try to at least use CBT type thinking. Am I in an area where someone can help me IF it is a heart attack? Check. Have I seen a doctor and been told my heart is okay? Yes...okay...check. Can the symptoms of a heart attack mimic an anxiety attack? Ohhhhh yeah, so this likely is an anxiety attack. This came from a therapist and most CBT workbooks that have you assess a situation from a worst, best, and actual case scenarios that I filled out.

I think the best approach is to take your visits and lab results to heart (ok, bad word play). If you had or are having a heart attack, your body releases a chemical showing heart damage that can be caught. Try to rest assured knowing the EKG results and labs are good. You may even consider investing in a handheld EKG type device. I have one I found on Amazon for $79.99. Yeah, it was an investment, but each time I visit a hospital, it's $100. For awhile, every time I felt anxious and my heart rate jumping, I took out the device and saw that while my heart rate was high (tachycardia), my heart waves were steady and fine. Just a thought. I also asked my doctor about a beta blocker because it seems to help my specific symptoms for anxiety: racing heart beat, palpitations, a little chest pain. It's not a lifesaver, but IF you had heart problems, they're a good class of drugs to be on. I've felt more relaxed (and somewhat tired) on them. Drugs such as propranolol (if you aren't asthmatic) and atenolol (if you are) are even used by on stage performers/speakers for stage fright. So it certainly can help with anxiety....not that I want to push medication suggestions, but I know how you feel with your fears.

It's unfortunate that anxiety and heart issues have a lot in common, but I hope you're able to find comfort in the results and maybe see that the list of anxiety symptoms is long and can be mistaken for a large quantity of illnesses, disorders, and disease. I wish you well and if you ever need an ear, feel free to message me. I'm an avid gamer on the X Box (when I can), so even if you need an ear in that area, just enjoying a video game, I'm game....the word play is awful today. :) Take care and be kind to yourself.

in reply to

This reply made me so happy that someone understands!!!!! Sometimes I feel like ekg isn’t enough but what do I know lol thank you 😇

sweetiepye profile image

Hi, I think you need an or between the words age, sex. It gave me the best laugh so thank you. When I was in my twenties I started having skipped beats and they scared me to death. I had all the tests and my heart was fine but I couldn't accept it when my heart was jumping around so I made many trips to the ER. I really let it control my life refusing to believe it was anxiety, I also had other symptoms as you do. Finally I just got tired of not having a life and went to therapy which worked very well for me . Years later I did developed a problem with my heart which is being treated and I am doing well. What I want to tell you is that what you feel from anxiety isn't a patch on the real thing. I know there are different problems with hearts and they affect people differently , but it is a whole body experience and so much more intense than anxiety. I hope this removes some of your fear. I regret the time I wasted. That doesn't do any good does it ? It's how I feel though. I do have one of those EKG gadgets and it does record accurately and you can have it read in about 20 min. which might give you peace of mind. Let me back up , first it tells you if you have a problem then you can have it read if you need to and you can email it to your Doctor. Pam

in reply to sweetiepye

Oh my gosh I just read my post back and laughed for 10minutes straight hahahahaha thank you for the correction ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I appreciate your insight on what it would really feel like if there really was an issue with my heart, anxiety keeps on tricking me into thinking the “ What if” thoughts. I try and accept there’s no real reason I should have heart disease right now, but my mind is telling me otherwise. Anxiety about the heart I think has been the worse batch of symptoms out of all the other body parts for me. You have made me feel much better though! Let’s see how long this can reassure me until mean ole anxiety wants to creep back in haha. Thank you Pam 💜💜💜

mrmonk profile image

Hello Diamond, and welcome! I think both Aequitas1983 and sweetiepye offered good insight and advice, so I don't have much to add, other than to say that I think I understand how you feel. I'm older (late 40s) with a family history of heart disease and diagnosed heart rhythm problems (SVTs, PVCs, and sinus tachycardia), but I've made more than my share of ER visits because the fact is that one can have a heart attack or go into cardiac arrest no matter how healthy the heart, so it's best to side with caution and see the doctor, as you are doing. Vigilance and at least somewhat healthy habits are really all one can do, and because anxiety often mimics the symptoms of heart attack, the waters are muddied. For me, the worst is the intense fear that if I'm alone at night, and something should happen, there will be no one to help or call 9-1-1.

And so, I come here! It gives me some comfort that there is somebody out there listening at any given time. Feel free to reach out and message me anytime. I'm also a gamer, though a very, very bad one. I play only on PC, but if you have State of Decay 2, that's a cross-platform game I have on Xbox for Windows that I like to play co-op. I'm lousy at the game, and I don't use voice chat due to social anxiety, but if you have it and would like to play sometime, please send me a message.

Take care and be well.

in reply to mrmonk

Thank you for replying! Yes yes I play state of decay 2 😇😇😇 On both PC and Xbox one ❤️

As far as I know I don’t have any history of heart problems, is it true I can have a heart attack even if my heart is healthy?

I really hope not, I guess I just have to trust the doctors and make healthy decisions and trust that the heart is a strong muscle and has been pumping since I was in the womb lol

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to

You're quite welcome! I think it's fair to say that if your heart is healthy, then the likelihood of having a heart attack is very low, but it's not impossible.

For those of us who have ended up in the ER because of symptoms we mistook for heart attack, health anxiety is only part of the story. I think the source of it all is thanatophobia -- a fear of death and dying.

The way I see it is that unless one can come to terms with one's mortality, then there will always be that lingering anxiety. For some, therapy is one way to address this phobia; for others, it's religion. Some folks just treat the anxiety symptoms with medications or meditation.

But I think the bottom line is that, however remote the possibility, any number of ailments can kill you at almost any time: it's a necessary condition of being alive. So, in order to get health anxiety under control, one has to address the underlying fear of death.

I know my answer is not very comforting, but I want to be as honest as I can with you, as I am trying to cope with this fear, as well, and I would want someone to do the same for me.

You are absolutely doing the right things by following up with your doctors and remaining vigilant. If it's any consolation, being young and without a family history of heart disease, the odds are in your favor that your heart is fine.

Ah, so your a PC gamer too? Do you have a Steam account? What other games do you enjoy playing?

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