Got panicky two night
Evening: Got panicky two night - Anxiety Support

What started it off Daisy? Once you can see what sets a panic attack off apparently you can handle them better! I have never found any single reason for a panic attack it's normally a build up of things or sometimes it's just like being hit with a sledgehammer out of the blue!
Had to.take daughter to a and e
I hope she is ok! What happened?
Her glands were swelling up.difficult to breathe they found out it is tonsitilies
My youngest who is now a DR herself got tonsillitis and she also had a rash on her chest and back of her neck ,I really freaked out as I thought it was meningitis! She was 5 years and 28 days old , I have been in some pretty hairy situations and was able to handle them but when it came to my kids I always panicked as far as I'm told by family
It's understandable being panicky in that kind of situation!
Yes she was crying I was crying
I am not surprised, I am terrified whenever my grandchildren get I'll, it's what we do ,and believe it or not it's apparently a sign of real love ! I would do anything for my kids and grandchildren! Well I have one child I won't help ever again unless she stops taking illegal drugs and certain things I have been told she is involved in due to the drugs!
I hope you try and relax, I normally put my feet in a big basin with warm bath salts and honestly it sends you to sleep and you wake up with feet that look like prunes lol so many times I've done that!
I am going to try to have a nap now, speak to you later Daisy! And seriously try and relax! Your daughter will be ok antibiotics will sort her out easily ! Antibiotics and hugs from her Mum ,two of the greatest healers out!