Can you tell me is lemon and ginger tea good for anxiety anyone known
EvenING everyone : Can you tell me is lemon... - Anxiety Support
EvenING everyone

I haven't tried it, but chamomile is very relaxing for me...
I agree Chamomile tea but with crystallized honey is great it relaxes the muscles and calms the brain something to do with the release of endorphins, I add the honey as the chamomile is a bit bitter tasting
Is lemon and ginger good
I would not say it's good for me but I do know someone who uses it to relax! So there must be some truth to it
What's not good
I don't like lemon, or lemon doesn't like me it gives me stomach cramps
Do you think it would work
Probably remember what works for one may not for another, give it a try if it works Great. If it doesn't at least you have tried it
Thanks you up to much 2 night
No just trying to keep from going to call GP for a jab lol they say the weather doesn't affect your pain levels, they should try telling my body that
You just trying to relax
Something I can't do is relax properly, I am always thinking about something ! Or trying to keep my Parrots occupied, one of them is a rescue bird,an 11year old when I got him he has bonded that much that if I move he follows, even when I go outside. He sits onmy shoulder or next to me on the sofa, so I am never really relaxed. He is a real character, in the few months I have had him he has bonded so much and he is like a guard dog, neighbours crazy is petrified of him lol so funny to see
I think it good to have a pet I have just got a kitten it helps i think
Animals as companions are great, I think the animals end up being the boss and the Humans become the Animals PET !! All mine talk one sings another is not that clear but you can understand what she is saying. The Meyers talks and tries to have a conversation, and gets angry when you say "What " he then turns the air blue, before he tells me to go forth. So so funny
How many parrots have you got then?
I have a 21 year old hand reared African Grey and he is so precious to me.
I also had an African Grey he was my Mum's before he came to me as a young child, sadly he passed rfour years ago! I now have a Rossaela a Bourke's and a gorgeous little fellow who is a rescue bird he Is between 11---12 years old ! All hand tame unclipped flying free indoors
Oh how lovely. My African Grey is unclipped too and is hardly ever in his cage.
They are such lovely company aren’t they.
They do need a lot of attention so not suitable for people with too busy lives.