Paralyzing anxiety that doesn’t let up wit... - Anxiety Support

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Paralyzing anxiety that doesn’t let up without medication. I think I’m going crazy.

Gidget1 profile image
11 Replies


I am becoming paralyzed by anxiety. Literally. I have been dealing with anxiety attacks for so long my thinking about my mental health has become obsessive-making the anxiety worse. Please help me. I am so scared I can barely breath.

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Gidget1 profile image
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11 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Gidget1, you are not going crazy. I use to feel that way at one time. In what you are

describing symptom wise, trust me in that we all have experienced at one time or

another. And that's just what anxiety does best. It plays with our mind, convincing

us that we are mentally sick. The more we feed into that fear, the worse the physical

symptoms get. If you were to rewind those thoughts back to the first speck of fear

that you feel, you would realize that you (we) are responsible for the progression.

Do you believe that anxiety has that kind of power over you? Have you read in how

"Acceptance" of anxiety and not fearing or fighting it can help? It's true Gidget. I know

how hard that is to accept. I use to think that it was a lot of psycho babble B.S. coming

from my therapist. Then one day, years later, I stepped back and realized everything I

had been told over the years was the truth about anxiety. At that moment, I turned my

life around by accepting it as not harmful. It took some practice but I was determined I

was going to get back in control with my life and I did.

Whether on medication or not, we need other methods to help with our anxiety. Therapy can

help show you the way but also you, finding tools that will help you relax and not project

down the road helps. Discard the "what ifs" and live in the moment. When we fear it grows. We can't live our lives by focusing on our anxious thoughts. They are lies and only

do us harm by putting us in panic mode.

Being on this support site will help you if you read the responses openly. Take the answers that may help you and discard the rest. Each one of us responds differently.

It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay. Believe in that. We support you :) xx

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much. I know I’m not alone, but the anxiety tells me I am. That I will be the one who won’t make it. That my anxiety is way worse than everyone else’s. That there is no hope anymore. I’ve exhausted every option. I’ve given into medication and now tremendously & obsessively fear running out. So I try to not take them so “in case” of something bad happening I’ll be prepared. That thought leads to more anxiety and I end up taking the pills. It’s a viscous cycle.

I ‘m so tired of trying to just keep my head above water I’ll take any Rx that will help. It does feel like drowning.

Last stop will be the psych hospital.

janeene profile image
janeene in reply to Gidget1

I have been in this exact place, as a matter of fact, each time I try to cut back on medication within 3 weeks my mind is back there. I am on a concoction of Effexor and Seroquel. It wasn’t until the Seroquel was added and at the right dose that my mind finally found relief. I do not love being on a drug like Seroquel, but without it I don’t even want to think about where I would be. Keep advocating for yourself, there is a combination out there to help you.

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply to janeene

Thanks for the encouragement ❤️

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply to janeene

Thanks. I’ll check with my doctor.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Gidget1

Have you ever been in patient in the psych unit?? It's not all that bad.

I had gotten to the point where therapy and medications weren't working.

I too felt that my anxiety had to be the worse possible. I feared living, I feared dying.

I excluded myself from family and friends because I didn't want anyone to see me in

this state. One day I decided that I needed to go to the hospital, walk in before I

would have to be carried in, if this state of anxiety continued any longer.

Gidget, it was the best decision I could have made for myself. While on the unit I was

given a complete medical and psychological exam. My health issues were address as

well as my anxiety. I liked the structure of each day knowing that there would be no

surprises was immensely calming. Having 24/7 support around was comforting. My

medications were reviewed and played with, dosage strength and new meds were tried. This was my time to work on myself. I gave 100% of my attention in getting better. I wanted no visitors.

I walked out there feeling disappointed that my learning time had come to an end.

It took some adjustment at home but it did get better. Sometimes, just as with a car,

we need an overall, some adjustments and tweaking of the engine. I wish you well

my friend. I've been there and can feel your pain. xx

What meds are you on?

Gidget1 profile image
Gidget1 in reply to

Cymbalta, Zoloft, Buspar, Levothyroxine, Plaquenil, and the hard hitters: Morphine 45mg 2x/day, Vicodin 5 10-325mg. as needed, Xanax-my life saver: 1mg./4xday as needed. I can make it on 3. I try to only take 3 so that I have some in case of emergency. I’ve been on and off it since 2001 & had trouble finding it after 9/11. I lived in Ct. closer to NYC. but, he’ll, I’m in Venice Fl. now where the terrorists learned to fly ( but not land! ).

Drs. keep piling on more meds. & now I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

I will give up all of them, if it will keep my Xanax prescription filled.

But, I will not give up Xanax. It has saved my life & I won’t go backwards.

The opiates are for Lupus pain & the 4 surgeries I had in three years.

Thanks for writing ❤️

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Gidget1

Hi Gidget,

First I want to say I am sorry you are so overwhelmed! I, as many of us on here do, understand how you feel. How long have you been on Zoloft, Buspar, and Cymbalta? Could those anti-depressants need to be changed? Maybe they aren’t working well enough any more?

Also, I agree with what everyone has suggested. Agora is right, you cannot fully move past anxiety until you learn to accept it and ride it out. At least that’s my belief. The more we fight it and flee from it the more anxiety digs in and takes control!

I wish you only the best, I hope you find peace and healing soon!


steadfast66 profile image

I agree with Agora 1 so I won't repeat her recommendations. You are not going crazy. Find out what makes you anxious and try dealing with one thing or person at a time. Don't let what people say or do determine who you are. You can not live for people; they will drive you crazy if you let them i.e. family, friends, enemies, co-workers, etc. Let none have control over your responses to life. They all have their own issues to deal with. I do want to emphasize do things that will command your focus off yourself. It takes practice and prayer.

Gidget1 profile image

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...” 💕

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