Over the past year and a half I started being afraid to eat. No not cause of body image issues (Love your body its the only one you get!) its cause I have such bad emetophobia that I am terrified of throwing up. I love food. Its a great thing! But when I am out in public I fear eating, I am so terrified I am going to throw up my food. Now, I have to say that I don't throw up that often. I can name 3 times in my life I have thrown up. The last time was 6 years ago after taking acne medicine right after I ate a sandwich (I cant eat original chik-fil-a sandwiches because of that day) and it wasn't even traumatic. But because of this weird fear I do not like to go out eating, and even after eating at home I sometimes get really nervous of throwing up my food. Again i have never actually thrown up any of my food that I am so scared of throwing up, but gosh darn it i dont want this time to be the first time! I'm really scared of becoming anorexic or bulimic, no I dont hate my body and no I dont think I am over weight (i am perfect in all of my curves) and even tho I want to lose a little weight i want to do it safely and be a healthy weight.
About a year and a half ago I had a (now ex) friend who was bulimic, it was really scary for myself because I have this huge phobia of vomiting and here my friend is vomiting up all of her food. We stopped being friends for other reasons but ever since then...I have had a tiny fear of becoming anorexic or bulimic myself.
Does anyone have any tips for managing emetophobia?