What are you thoughts on Stress Hyperstimulation...causing all sorts of awful symptoms...for long periods of time.
Stress Hyperstimulation : What are you... - Anxiety Support
Stress Hyperstimulation
Stress Hyperstimulation is just another word for over sensitized nervous system due to chronic unrelenting stress. It isn't good for the body to be in this state of anxious arousal 24/7. It heightens our sensitivities emotionally and physically. The body goes into a state of fight or flight resulting in blood vessel constricting in not allowing us to move. When we don't, our blood pressure rises, our muscles spasm and our nerves react with pain.
Unless the root of the stress is address by a professional, the symptoms build in intensity and can cause other health problems. Going on medication for a chronic condition is not the answer but just a short term band aid. Talking with a therapist regarding what we can and can't do to change our way of thinking and reacting is all important. Knowing this is stress caused and not a physical ailment is the first step. Second is to by pass the things we cannot change and learn how to go around the block in the road.
Using other methods in calming the Mind/Body Connection is imperative in keeping the nervous system in a calm state even if for a few minutes at a time. Using meditation/deep breathing as well as all the other options out there that work for you, will help with the over stimulation and it's symptoms. xx
Thank you! What physical symptoms did you have and for how long?
Hi Harzee, I had each and every symptom all of you do plus more. And yet, I never once thought that I was suffering from a catastrophic illness. Go Figure
I knew it all stemmed from anxiety just didn't know how to get rid of it until years
later and lots and lots of therapy. It was then I realized only I could make the changes in my life. Once I accepted that, I was able to walk towards my goal. xx