Hi I’m 17 and I’ve had a tickly cough for over 3 weeks now and I’m worried it’s something bad like lung cancer my mum says it’s nothing but I’m just worried is this serious coz I google my cough lasting 3 weeks and it comes up with bad stuff help me
IM 17 and think I have lung cancer - Anxiety Support
IM 17 and think I have lung cancer
Coughs can last for quite a while.
I’ve found colds and flu these days tend to leave me with a bad cough that’s awful to try and get rid of , I have one now ..
Make an appointment with your dr or maybe the nurse at the surgery and get it checked out if it will help to reassure you.
Sorry you feel so worried.
Thankyou I’ll see how I feel in a few days
Hi Lewis_15, first advice is NEVER google. It is too generalized and will always come back as the worst case scenario.. Your mum knows best. A tickly cough does not mean Cancer. Allergies, dry mouth and nervous anxiety can cause that little tickle. You are young, most likely healthy but obsessed with healthy anxiety I would bet. Make sure you hydrate during these warm months. Keep your mum informed on how you are feeling but please don't go to Dr Google
Yep, what they said. I just want to reiterate... don't search the internet for what it might be unless you're prepared to always get the worst case scenarios. Also, you might want to get some medicine so go to the doctor. The doc might have a good laugh when you tell him you think it's lung cancer.
See a doctor. You might have a bacterial infection such as bronchitis. These are easily treated with antibiotics. It is very unlikely that you have lung cancer.
Please, please, go to doctor for reassurance on any issue. It will set your mind at ease and you will feel happy again.
It is probably ALLERGIES.
Allergies or remnant of a cold, highly unlikely lung cancer... you would be coughing blood among other symptoms.
That’s what my mum said
It’s very hard not to google symptoms as we all google everything ...... a lot of the time I blame the net for anxiety problems as there’s so much info good and bad to change your mood anytime of the day ..... get some sleep and try not to worry your best mate ( mum ) knows best
Googling health stuff never ends well... trust me! They have a syndrome for this now.
Does it keep you awake at night?
Go get a doctor to take a look just to put your mind at ease.