Hey all. First time poster. Lifelong sufferer of generalized anxiety and 4 year sufferer of panic disorder. I have debilitating health anxiety that comes in waves. Previously, I've convinced myself I have heart problems and cancer. Recently, we are back to cancer. I have had gastrointestinal issues since I can remember but lately, my symptoms have worsened a bit. After dozens of obsessive Google searches it's either IBS or colon cancer. I'm leaning towards the latter, of course. I do not talk about my anxiety with people very often because I am ashamed. But i am in such a spell right now that I would love some solidarity and understanding from those who have been there. Also advice for having medical tests done and not losing your shi* while waiting for results? Thanks in advance!
Health Anxiety: Hey all. First time poster... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety

Hey there, JW! Sounds like you're having a rough patch. I've been in your shoes but recovering fast this year. Even after numerous specialist and doc visits with passing tests, I still have and had painful symptoms. I didn't believe the doctors were testing for the right symptoms or they were missing something or my symptom was something so rare that they missed it. I went from not allowing myself to fall asleep on purpose from fear of dying because of panic and heart palpitations to jogging and even dating again in just over three months. I won't bore you with all my symptoms and thoughts. I didn't use prescription drugs no matter how bad it got because I knew it wouldn't solve the actual issue. Here's what helped me. First, after spending all my time and money on doc visits and specialists, I got help from an anxiety/life coach. Four weeks worth of activities and daily practices. Second, I challenged myself, little by little by doing things that made my panic worse. Drive a little farther than usual, walk alone for a couple miles, etc....Slowly I started to break the fear and over sensitivity. Third (this is a game changer), I recently had an appointment with a Mental Health doc who specializes in Mind Body Program but is also a licensed physician. This kind of doctor will do a physical exam and discuss your history and symptoms. He showed me that it was me who was/is causing these painful symptoms. My own brain is doing this and he is showing me how to retrain my brain. It's working well and I'm having quick results. You mentioned your stomach problems. I've been dealing with the same for two years now. First diarrhea and recently constipation. I have an endoscopy scheduled but going to cancel it. I'm feeling so good now and free of symptoms.
1. You've had all your tests and you're healthy.
2. You've probably gotten help for anxiety/panic.
3. Only thing that's left is for you to believe that you're healthy.
Best wishes on conquering your fears.
Thanks, Titan. I am sorry to hear that you are also suffering but there is some comfort in knowing I'm not alone in my struggle.
I have a CT scan coming up on Friday. Im hopeful for good results that will bring me some peace.
Also great to hear of all the recovery options that are out there and that you are finding some relief. I plan to look for a Mind Body program doc in my area. Thanks again.
I’m very interested in learning more about the mental health doctor you are seeing! Been having some tension/pressure in my jaw/face for a month... I know it’s from stress and anxiety. I’ve been trying to “eliminate stress” but it’s so hard when you have anxiety and are a single mother who works full time! Could you give more info about this doctor? Thank you!!
Sure. My doctor is Howard Schubiner. His site is unlearnyourpain.com. He has some books too. "Unlearn Your Pain" and "Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression." I couldn't believe he practices in my home town. Hope it helps you as much as it has me!
I am exactly the same as you been like it for 6yrs now like you whenever I have stomach pains I am on google and it comes up either IBS or CANCER. Although my husband says If it was cancer after 6yrs I would either be dead by now or would be very very sick. I spose he has got a point really but it does not stop me worrying. Hopefully in both our cases it is as simple as IBS. I am trying to be more positive but it is hard. I have had hypnotherapy which has helped a bit. Hope things get better for you x
Acceptance is the key here. Titan covered most things really well and is doing great (well done). I've had health anxiety for just over a year now but I'm recovering quickly now that I have accepted that it is just anxiety and not any physical issue.
Stop using Google. Just stop. Right now. Dr Google will always tell you that you're about to drop down dead or that there was one reported case of a Dr misdiagnosing a symptom etc. It is called Cyberchondria.
Speak to your Dr and explain fully your worries. I started having heart palpitations due to my anxiety and when I told my Dr he assured me it was just anxiety, however when I explain that although I agree, that "what if" voice was telling me it might have been a silent heart attack. He agreed that it might have been, very very unlikely but he had me booked in for an ecg then a 24 hour monitor to rule it out. They can and will help you, and they know what they're talking about.
As someone else has already said, if it was cancer you'd know about it by now. There would be a lot of other symptoms that your Dr would recognise.
Accept that it is just anxiety. It's just a thought or a feeling and carry on with your task anyway. It's hard but it is the only way to recover fully. Anxiety isn't something to be scared of, it's just an emotion like happiness or sadness. It's unpleasant so we try to force it to stop but we can't so just accept it and carry on
Thank You, everyone for your thoughtful replies!