Normal?: Gosh I’m so sick of worrying about... - Anxiety Support

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Lvictoria81 profile image
25 Replies

Gosh I’m so sick of worrying about my health 24/7! It’s literally exhausting! I’m tired of convincing myself I’m fine but then that’s just as exhausting as worrying. How is t even possible to try and convince myself I’m fine and convince myself I’m ill?!

Tests done so far:

Brain mri- found 2 cysts on pituitary gland, but otherwise clear

Scope up my nose down into my throat just about vocal cords- found reflux

My next test is another mri on my spine which is tomorrow!

I’m so over feeling like this. Ever since I had my tonsils removed and having shingles I was never the same!!!

When is it time to just end everything??

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Lvictoria81 profile image
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25 Replies
Ashley228 profile image

I just posted something similar!

I know exactly what you mean! Health anxiety is so frustrating! It’s always one thing after another! I wish I had some advice! I keep trying to tell myself I’m ok but it’s just not that easy!

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Ashley228

No it’s not easy at all. I hate it so much and to think this all started back in August from a sore throat. Then to having my tonsils and adenoids taken out to brain and spine MRIs. I’m scared. I have 2 kids and I’m a single mother.

Ashley228 profile image
Ashley228 in reply to Lvictoria81

I know, its miserable. It's been almost a year since I've been dealing with this too. I'm so sick of going back and forth to doctors appointments and getting tests done. It's like taken over my life. I have two kids also, it's scary to constantly always be thinking something could be wrong with you, especially when you have kids to look after.

I just hope someday this will pass, and I won't have to feel like this the rest of my life, because I don't know how I could.

Hang in there, and good luck with your MRI

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Ashley228

What triggered yours? Mine was a sore throat leading to surgery and then complications since the surgery.

I’m really hoping my drs figure this out because it’s very annoying. I don’t want to live this way the rest of my life with a phantom disorder. I know I have health issues so they need to either put me on the right meds or give me answers.

The MRI went good, way quicker then the brain mri. I won’t get my results until sometime this week.

in reply to Lvictoria81

I have four kids and I am the same way.. I wake up feeling weird and thinking what could happen andwhat I feel then I get weird symptoms throughout the day.. some I can't describe some dizzy lightheaded, brain gog, shaky, lightheaded, weak, just everything in sontored! I want to enjoy my children!! They are so beautiful and they make me happy in every which way that's why I want to forget this shit and enjoy them! I don't know I try to stop these feelings and I can't.

I swear anxiety make us believe everything is wrong w us

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Tarishalovesherse

It really does

Anxious2befree profile image

I too have health anxiety and had it now for nearly 4yrs it's driving me mad. I work and then when it's really bad I can't work for months on end. I have had so many tests and scan I'm completely fine. Nothing wrong at all. You are not alone xxx Stay strong as we have to for our kids X

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Anxious2befree

Thank you so much. But like I mentioned to Jeff, I actually do have health issues but my health issues trigger more health anxiety and more anxiety and depression. It’s like a huge circle of issues!!

Jeff1943 profile image

Health anxiety is an imposter and a confidence trickster. It convinces us we have terrible terminal health problems. But when we get the results of the scans, the x-rays and the blood tests it's nowhere to be seen.

It turns out our terrible terminals didn't exist after all. They are figments of our over active imaginations or more accurately a glitch in our over-sensitised nervous system.

But hang on a minute, we hear ourselves thinking. Maybe these doctors have missed something, after all they've only been to medical school for five years. They're only using the most advanced medical technology the world has ever known to investigate our ills. They MUST have got it wrong!

And so we refuse to believe what the medical professionals tell us and demand more tests and more specialist referrals. Sadly we have overlooked the fact that you can't cure an illness you don't have no matter how hard you try.

Health anxiety has won again. It has whispered our worst fears in our ears and we have fallen for it. Again and again.

One day you will accept in your heart what you already know in your brain. Your symptoms are all fake no matter how cleverly they impersonate the real thing. Fakes, frauds and fantasies dreamed up by our over sensitised nerves. When that day comes your real recovery begins.

You no longer waste time chasing phantom symptoms nourished by fear and the fear of fear. You attach less interest and importance to your symptoms despite the discomfort they may cause. And you turn your attention to the real problem, the architect of all your sufferings, that which when cured will see all those symptoms fade away like the morning mist.

You turn your attention to curing yourself of anxiety and repairing your sensitised nervous system. And you take your first steps along the yellow brick road to recovery.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Jeff1943

I love this. My only issue is I actually do have health issues and the reason for my MRIs are because they believe I have MS but can’t find the lesions. It’s just very scary. They also found 2 cysts on my pituitary gland

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Jeff1943

You know Jeff...

When I was waiting for an angiogram, my heart fluttered all the time, but I had no aches and pains in my muscles.

When I was waiting for an endoscopy, my stomach played up, but I felt no aches and pains.

And so all my tests and more than I have mentioned, have come back clear. I have terrible muscle aches etc.

Just goes to show I am manifesting these myself. To much time to think!

Jeff1943 profile image

I do hope they sort things out to your satisfaction and the mri brings good news.

I struggle with health anxiety as well. Like you, I do have some underlying heath issues. Here is my least what has helped me the most to this point.....I tell myself every day that I am doing what I can to manage the health issues that I do have. I am working with my doctor and I am taking the appropriate medication. If I am worried about something that is not a current health issue, I remind myself that worrying about the “issue” will not help anything. Worrying doesn’t magically cure anything. I wait to see if it is something that continues across time and if so I discuss it with my doctor. It isn’t perfect and I still have tough days. Ultimately it came down to feeling so horrible that I had to give up control. I work with what I have but I don’t try to “control” every aspect of my sensations/symptoms because it just wasn’t working and the result was me feeling absolutely horrible. You can do this!!

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to

Thank you so much. Tonight my anxiety is really bad. I’m with my friend and I just keep thinking the worst and I’m getting scared that my dr once again won’t know what’s wrong even with the mri... like my thoughts are racing

in reply to Lvictoria81

Hey how are you

AMessOfJess profile image

Everyone’s healthy until they find out they’re not. I personally think this anxiety is more to do with the overwhelming fear of death. For example, try and imagine death, regardless of your faith try and imagine simply not existing anymore for a second. You probably picture darkness right? Well that’s the problem, your brain cannot contemplate not exsisting. There wouldn’t be any darkness because you would be here to perceive it. So whenever something related to this enviable fate happening, a health scare, near death experience, anything that makes us feel unsafe, the brain reverts back into itself and freaks out trying to cope with the idea that it may not exsist soon. This is why people find such peace in their faith, a reassureance that they will exsist in some way even in and after death. The fear overtime the more you are exposed to it and think about it the higher your anxiety gets. My advice? Some use their faith wholeheartedly, others live in right now so they ignore it (difficult when you are stressed about right now and the future), some people get to a place where they except it and try to find fulfilment in their lives and of others some continue down this path of aniexty. Worrying means you suffer twice, I can’t say whether we will exsist after death but that doesn’t matter, no one can change that what ever the answer live your life, ignore death, find faith, do whatever you like. Live right now, don’t spend that time waiting. Worrying about lost time is more lost time.

They found a cyst in my pineal gland... I can relate to the darkness of it all. I have found that an increase in faith has been my best weapon vs. anciety/depression related to health issues.

in reply to

Faith in what?

in reply to

Jesus to be specific... My recent journey discovering the cyst broke me, I had nowhere else to go.

Where else did you try?

At least something got you through it.

If its not one thing its another! I went to the docs and they told me the test they took are clear but then I feel like its something else wrong and the tests still come out clean. I lay awake at night because i feel so sick and my head hurts but I tell myself its nothing. Cuz I know its just my anxiety

in reply to

How do you feel sick? What symptoms do you get?

Head ace, stomach is upset and i feel light headed. I have gone to the docs but they say its my anxiety.

Bestlife2020 profile image

I feel very much the same. Have had countless tests done and found very little. Our little boy has gone through cancer treatment on top of it for six years now. Just would love to be happy and carefree. Hang in there. Praying you get the answers you are looking for.❤

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