Death: The past couple of days I've been... - Anxiety Support

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shrs3 profile image
31 Replies

The past couple of days I've been having an intense fear of death. I was raised catholic but have been having disturbing thoughts of not existing anymore. Its been worse because i have an upcoming trip and i have to take an airplane and im afraid of crashing and dying. Im constantly having intrusive thoughts about death and existence. Does anyone have any tips

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shrs3 profile image
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31 Replies
shrs3 profile image

Yes i fear eternity thats exactly what scares me is not being awake for eternity. It scared when i was younger but now i cant shake it off at all

shrs3 profile image

Yea its definitly scary to think of. I was raised catholic so it's like im supposed to believe theres an afterlife, but what if there isnt? Im 23 years old

shrs3 profile image

Yea i feel the same way! I want to be able to just enjoy life

lil-rose profile image

I have had this fear for a long time, it comes and goes in severity. I found some comfort in stories of near death experiences, the videos I saw were through the I also like Fr. Spitzer's explainations about the evidence of the soul. He is very scientific and super smart, I don't know his background, but he makes sense to me and I found comfort in the evidence from a science based background.

I don't know if it's the magis center itself but in a video I saw through them, they talked about an entity that actually records and catalogs all the near death experiences they can, and then they analyzes the commonalities and things, it was very interesting. If you are interested and can't find it let me know and I will look for it.


shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to lil-rose

Ill have to look into those, thank you!

Jeff1943 profile image

O.K., since you ask, here's what happens when you pass on. For a while you are floating above yourself looking down on yourself. This is to make you realise that you've passed over. You have a powerful feeling of euphoria and unconditional love. You pass into a tunnel, as you're carried along your whole life is shown in pictures. There is no such thing as time so this is possible. Eventually you reach the end of the tunnel and you are standing in the presence of a brilliant white light unlike any shade of white you've experienced. And no matter how bright it is the light does not hurt your eyes. You are met by people who you may or may not know. You have arrived in the most beautiful countryside you have ever seen, the grass is vibrant green, the flowers the most colourful and beautiful beyond imagination, there are trees, blue skies, lakes. In an instant you know everything about the universe, you understand everything there is to know, you understand why we're here and what for. And all the time you're feeling euphoric and the subject of unconditional love.

Someone did ask why there is so much suffering in the world? The answer was "There has to be pain because there is love."

And that's as far as I can tell you because at this point all the people who tell this almost identical story hear the words "It's not your time, you have to go back!" Most try arguing: "But I don't want to go back to that vale of tears. I like it here so much!" (BTW All communication is by thought not by sound). The reply is gentle but firm: "You have to go back, there are things you must do. You will return again I promise." And then whoosh back down the portal and back into your body.

I am referring of course to the common experiences of thousands of NDEs archived online. What the bright light is I leave to your imagination.

There, you always thought Jeff1943 was a bit weird and now you're sure of it😊

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to Jeff1943

with you on this jeff, its much better than here, compare it to the v best dream you'ver ever had, ciley

Mddieb01 profile image

All the time I have feelings like I won’t live very long or much longer ! And I too am flying for the first time ever in a few weeks which scares me to death especially knowing my kids are on the plane too ! I have panic attacks just thinking about it ! We will be flying to Puerto Rico so it’s flying over a lot of water ! I feel like I will have a panic attack on the plane and not be able to breath I’m just hoping and praying everything will go smooth ! Hope the best for you ! 😁😁

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Mddieb01

Mddieb01, you are frightening yourself half to death and the plane hasn't taken off yet. You are already pumping out the fear hormone that causes your nervous system to become over sensitised and produces anxiety attacks. I suggest you stop doing this to yourself, you are almost willing a panic attack upon yourself.

I'll tell you what's going to happen. You and your children will enter the plane. For them it will be a thrilling adventure just lika a ride at Disneyworld. The plane will take off, all will be well. You may get a meal served on board. Befire you know it you will land safely and exit the plane. That's exactly what is going to happen. You will be in no danger, you are not going to die I promise you.

The only thing that can spoil the trip for you is fear and the fear of fear. So if you start to feel panicky on the aircraft just accept it. Don't fight it, just accept it. You won't be on the plane for long. So just do some slow deep breathing and let every muscle in your body go limp.

Everything will go well, believe me. You have nothing to fear, believe me.

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to Jeff1943

Great advice, thank you!

Jadely profile image
Jadely in reply to Jeff1943 have such a great attitude and you don't seem to be a fearful person at all. I wish I had your courage. I always enjoy reading your posts because they always make feel a whole lot better. Thank you!!

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to Mddieb01

Im going to ask my doctor for benzos. But you will be fine ive heen on a plane where i think im going to act out and i havent! Bring ear plugs and lots of distractions like puzzles and stuff

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to Mddieb01

many many people are nervous of flying so pretty normal.some people never fly because of it, i'm glad my flying days are over, i might manage a short flight....

designguy profile image

Unfortunately, panic/anxiety make us think the worst (that we are dying) and feel like we're dying, when all it is, is our built-in human protection mechanism. I use to have a major fear of dying until I realized it is just part of life. Those of us who were raised in traditional religious environments were taught that death is something to fear along with all of the dogmatic crap that went along with that teaching. I realized that we all die, every living thing dies. My grandmother died, my mom died, my beloved dog died - if they died, I can do it too. Like Jeff, I started investigating dying, I even read obituaries to get comfortable with dying. I no longer believe in the black & white religious teaching I was raised in and realize that dying is just part of living and we can't have the one without the other. Anxiety is an illusion we use to try to maintain control. I have found the greatest freedom and relief is letting go of the control, feeling and accepting the anxiety and no longer fearing dying/living. Time marches on, one way or the other - might as well enjoy the ride.

Gambit62 profile image

This post may give you some ideas on how to deal with the thoughts.

hairyfairy profile image

Iv`e read that when people die, Someone comes to guide them to the afterlife, & ghosts are people who never made it to wherever wer`e supposed to go. I hate the thought of dying because Iv`e never seen proof of life after death.

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to hairyfairy

there are many who have and maybe you will yet??

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to hairyfairy

I like your description of ghosts, there are several ideas of what they are....they are certainly around...our astral body could be mistaken for a ghost if we were dad did unintentional astral travel....the astral body is a copy of the physical just more shimmery, I believe the disciples saw Jesus's astral, and this is what led to the idea of 'dead bodies being resurrected',

ciley profile image

i don't even believe in it:ie .i believe in a continuom, obvious changes, and i am worrying myself there, also miserable about sleep 'the little death'

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to ciley

Energy cannot be destroyed only converted into something else and human beings are comprised of energy. The purpose if it all is the evolution to higher forms as explained by Hiraclitus 2000 years ago. That evolution takes many lifetimes, perhaps infinite lifetimes. In between we may engage in other activities such as healing before returning again. We are judged and most people say: "I could have done more."

ciley profile image

it won't be forever as there will be the changes as you progress,after an indeterminate time may become so good god will absorb you into bliss and all-seeing or if you are due another go here, back you will no, i;m simply morbid about the trappings,the gruesome illness and crying etc..

ciley profile image

can't get hang of this site,seems like i have to log out to reach people i should have replied to,sorry nice meet.

ravincowgurl profile image

Has there ever been a time in your life that you've prayed and asked Jesus to come into your heart and save you from your sins? I have been through so many things in my life but Gods goodness and mercy and my relationship with Him through Jesus have been my only saving grace many times. Find a local church and join the family. I believe God uses mangy things to bring us to Him. It could be this for you. I believe in a literal Heaven. I love being here with my family but the thought of no more pain, tears or anxiety and living an eternity with those I love is encouraging.

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to ravincowgurl

I have started to go to church and pray. I just dont ferl its helping

ravincowgurl profile image
ravincowgurl in reply to shrs3

You have to give your heart to God. I know my life before i found a reatioship with God and my church home was scary. I was constantly afraid of death but I have spent lots of time studying and proving the reality of heaven and hell to myself. You need to be sure that you're headed to heaven not hell which is also a literal place. I know some people think this is all crazy but if i die and I'm wrong what do i have to lose by living the life of a Christian believer. I hope you find the peace that God can provide ❤

reinagrace profile image

Hi shrs3 i see this is another thing we anxiety sufferers have in common, in different ways, whether fear of death or fear of eternity as i saw in some replies here- in my case i remember even as an 8 year old lying awake unable to sleep bc i was so scared of eternity. i do find comfort in my Catholic faith, so i pray you also can find relief in that, in attending Mass often. if what you're going thru now is only urgent at the moment bc of your fear of flying- then take a xanax or other benzio before your flight. i don't think benzios are good as something daily, but to use it on a flight is the perfect way to use it- so you can be calm through it. I'll be praying for you and i do pray for everyone here , daily. Blessings

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to reinagrace

Thank you!

ciley profile image


ciley profile image

you were raised catholicv,you were lucky, it contains more truth, i had a 'true dream'once.i was small and holding someones hand we were walking through a rocky gloomy grey miserable place, the guide said to me 'these people are TRULY dead,worked out lately i'd been taken through purgatory, the souls there can get out with the support of other caring souls and continue their spiritual journery, you want to see hell? look at ther physical world, you have tried to be good even if failed at times,others have hurt you and used you, you weill be ok,

ciley profile image

I think the world hurtling through space is even more .freaky. but its what we've got !spirit is the basis, it does not, cannot hurtle anywhere, its the beginning and the end and includes you and me.

mimosa03 profile image

Hi shrs3 dunno bout u but I get Comfort from knowing that I am not the only one who had these intrusive thoughts so I have learned to jst go with the flow.

For me it was the fear of the after life not knowing Wat is going to happen to my soul, it's was the pain that my loved ones will feel after my death, for me even mentioning the word, death, dying, die, kill murder, funeral, or coffin would like shoot my anxiety through the roof, I was so scared that Wat if they made a mistake that I wake up in the morgue. Worst part buried alive that was my fear since I was a little girl that was ignited when I watched a soapie where a person was buried alive, so it has haunted me since than,

I was so scared to even go out the house in fear of something happening to me, that I stayed indoor, I hated taking long distance drives because I was scared, until I was like u know what F*** anxiety and fear I can't live like this anymore, so Wat ever I Feard to do I did it anyway to prove this negative fearing committee in my head wrong I am not 100 % there but I am much much better I hope this helps

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