I have been dealing with a headache and head pressure that feels like fluid in my head I took every test and everything is normal all the doctor told me is it's anxiety that's all meanwhile I'm goinh crazy
Help me please: I have been dealing with a... - Anxiety Support
Help me please

Hi Lovely2, it is caused from anxiety let me reassure you. I dealt with tension headaches and head pressure for a long time along with feeling like fluid in my head. It wasn't until I found a physical therapist who explained to me what I was feeling.
When under stress or anxious, the muscles in the shoulders, neck and scalp contract causing a pressure feeling like you have a tight band around your head. The upper shoulders and neck for into spasms that are called trigger points which then give you the muscular contraction headache.
The fluid that you are feeling in your head is Lymphatic fluid that is trapped from flowing freely. The physical therapist works on reducing the trigger points as well as using acupressure in draining the Lymphatic fluid from your skull. You can help relieve that pressure yourself by following a few simple suggestions. When lying down in bed, place your fingers on both sides of the spine at the lower base of your skull. As you cradle your head into the fingers, you will actually feel the fluid releasing from your head and drain down into your body.
Taking over the counter pain med may help once in a while but be careful not to use it frequently or it just leads to rebound headaches. Using Meditation and deep breathing on a daily basis several times a time will help in relaxing the spasms causing this pressure to result. Also wet heat works very well. Hope this info at least makes you not feel so alone xx
Thank you so much I will try what you said
I'm here if you have any questions. I really got a lot of help from my physical therapist as well as occupational therapy. Also did water aerobics which was relaxing and easier to do then on land exercise. xx
Hi there...I suffered with the exactly the same for 3.5 years. I had facial numbness as well.I had mri scans, full facial scans, neck scans et etc. Just before christmas my disc went in my back and into my sciatic nerve. I am recovering at the moment. Since that happened all head pressure has gone...doctors and my surgeon now believe it was linked...possible fluid leak... I had no previous back pain or anything associated with my back at all...I felt like i was going mad, suffered on a daily basis... i have been told it was anxiety, rare migraines, you name it... i wouldn't have believed in a million years it was anything to do with this..maybe an idea of just mentioning this. Once i am over the spinal surgery, i will be back to normal fingers crossed. I can honestly say the relief of no head pressure... wishing you all the best, i do feel for you, and totally understand.
Agora, I wonder if a cranial-sacral massage therapist could release this for her right away too.........
I will call some places to get an appointment right away thanks
That's a great idea. My physical therapist was amazing and was into so many different facets in alleviating pain. She was so good and so unique in her care that I lost her when she opened up her own therapy practice. She did do cranial-sacral massage in addition to traditional therapy. I do hope you find a therapist. FYI....by advice from my doctor he said to never have a chiropractor manipulate my neck.
I can't find anywhere to get cranial sacral massage therapy
Hi Lovely,
I have been dealing with pressure headaches as well. As I'm healing in past two weeks, the feeling of heaviness in the back part of my head has gone away. The headaches are less and less now. I went and got a massage and asked for the masseuse to focus on the neck and back of the head. She worked out this huge knot where the neck meets the skull right by the hair line. It actually took care of the feeling you're describing. My posture was so bad and all the tension in my muscles from panic had caused this. It's definitely anxiety caused. Go get a massage and feel better!
Anxeity does different things to everybody. My arms burn n my stomach gets knotted. If your doctor says nothing wrong, be glad for that. Try to get your anxeity under control, which I know is difficult. When I got mine under control my symptoms went away. Good luck
This is 100% anxiety caused. I suffered with these on and off for years! A physical therapist did a procedure on my neck and base of scalp called "dry needling." It was a miracle!! Now, I can recognize the feeling of the headache/pressure, and I'm able to keep it from settling in by laying down, listening to guided imagery (google it), and literally consciously relaxing every muscle in my neck, scalp, face, and body. I ALSO no longer spend a second of energy or time obsessing that it's caused by a brain tumor or something, which is key. The worry makes you more tense, which will only lengthen the weeks of your headache. I promise you are ok. You are healthy and strong. You are a warrior!!!!
I found that Chiropratic care along with physical therapy and massage (sacral/cranial ) help me a lot. Chiropratic made sure every thing was aligned like it should be. Physical therapy helped with movement in my neck. Massage helped me to relax and breathe. A certified massage therapist can do many things to help. Hope this helps you.
You may suffer with migraines- I found exercise and stretching helpful