I thought I was getting better but I am realizing that in getting much worse . Why do I have so many heart symptoms of my anxiety? Why? I know that it is normal for people with anxiety to have symptoms but why is my symptom i.e. racing heart , so dangerous ? Why do I have a symptom that can kill me? Why? I have had tests that didn't help ! Whenever I start becoming nervous I can sense the heart rate getting high and this makes me think "oh here it comes !oh no!not again please!" I try every strategy to lower it but all in vain ! I think I will not survive longer like this ! I'm only 16 and I can't do anything, literally anything physical that increases my heart rate ! I have checked pulse of many people around me . What the hell! All of them have lower pulse than me ! This is making me so scared . I feel like my heart just wants to stop that's all . It doesn't want to beat normally . I don't know what to do cry, or anything but this pressure is increasing in my head ! I just can't find anyone who relates to me ! My parents have taken me to doctors few times , and now I don't know what to do ! Please someone with some knowledge . It's been a while,no one is replying to my posts here . Thank you so much if you have the patience to read it all long please someone!
Pleaaase reply someone!: I thought I was... - Anxiety Support
Pleaaase reply someone!

Symptoms of anxiety can mimic heart problems. But it doesn't mean you really do have a heart problem. Have you gotten an ekg or an ECG the times you went to the doctor? Or have they given you meds for anxiety?. Checking your pulse constantly can lead to more anxiety. I know this because I was doing it all the time. You have to Train your self to stop checking your pulse go on youtube and look up breathing relaxation exercises so when ever you feel the anxiety you can do relaxation breathing and calm you self down. I know it's hard. I get anxiety almost everyday and it sucks big time. I get mines when I travel to work and sometimes it wakes me up. But there are ways we can control it. Hope this post helps you

But I have tried everything
Are you on any medication for anxiety?

No I'm too young to start that
Ok. The best thing I can tell you to do is the relaxation methods. I know you said you tried everything but maybe look up different ones see which one helps you relax the best

I can relax at home. But what to do in school where I'm sitting in class and having anxiety , Everytime having panc attack I feel I'm going to die , I just can't convince myself that I have had them before with dieing
While you are in school try the breathing exercises. They are simple enough to do while you are out. I know it's hard, I feel the same when I feel anything on my head. Right away I think i have brain aneurysm, but I have learned to control my bad thoughts a little more by thinking more positive. I recently got an ekg Or an ECG do to chest flutters so I know how you feel.